More Praises for March 17, 2006
Sunday the Lord moved rapidly through an area church. Two of the Lord's lambs asked Jesus to be his/her savoir. One said, "I'm saved, but not Holy. I want to be Holy." Three lambs signed-up to be baptized Sunday, the 19th.
At the Sunday luncheon outreach missionaries were told eviction deadlines were approaching. One area's deadline is March 31st. The area these lambs were planning to move was given an eviction date by the local police of May 1st. With now three evictions, most of the SE Raleigh/Garner group will be relocated. The Lord has blessed some with homes - whether it is moving back to family or into apartments. Others are moving to the eastern part of the state or the mountains, Cary (with the new bus system) or Fuquay (with still wooded areas). Missionaries were told that Asheville has a wonderful homeless program.
One of the Lord's lambs was called Sunday while the group was still near the phone. He asked each person he spoke with to stop drinking. when he gave each one his testimony of living and dying.
While his sister-in-law talked with a missionary, she asked about a National Registry for families searching for homeless loved ones. After checking with other missionaries in NY working with the homeless, it was found there is no such registry. Most are interested in supporting the homeless. None have been found to support the families who are missing his/her loved ones or even how to help one find a loved one. The closest is The National Coalition for the Homeless at . Missionaries have contacted the group and are waiting for a response.
One of the Lord's lambs has a group of men from an area church praying for him and offering to help him receive the benefits due the lamb. The Lord is answering their prayers. The lamb is now again receiving his disability check, including his back payments. The Lamb has asked for prayers as he receives his lump sum of 10 months back disability., that he find an apartment and that he stay away from temptation and keep walking with the Lord.
Another lamb received a car this week. The car is in need of repairs prior to driving. Please pray when she goes to reinstate her license. She is also looking for the apartment the Lord already set aside for her. She has until the 31st to find one.
Missionaries attended a local high school to talk with students about serving the "untouchables" of today in our own community. The discussion was made personal when students were asked to identify homeless people. The students were given cards with names and a "bingo" type card with traits, such as age, education level, family life, what he/she is doing and has done demonstrating what the missionary is able to see through the love of Jesus. The list the missionary read was what the world sees when the one looks at an "untouchable" of his/her neighborhood. The readings were very different, as you can imagine. Another personal touch was when the student wanted to see the map where the homeless live in Wake county. Every student had homeless living within minutes of his/her home. A student approached the missionaries asking how she can serve the homeless of her community after school. She then followed-up with a email, " I'm interested in volunteering for your group on week days after school and possibly Saturdays (it depends on my work schedule)... I'm essentially looking for a non-profit job while I'm in Boston, and am particularly interested in homelessness prevention and aid." God is so good, calling the heart of someone young. Praise God!
A fellow missionary was called this week. The lamb Jesus has asked this couple to "adopt" was being beaten. He was hiding and crying out to the Lord through his sister and brother in Christ. The missionaries called on their way to pick him up praying for a hedge of protection. They were told to have faith and know the Lord will protect them. The missionary praying also prayed for them to know the Lord went ahead of them. When they arrived, they came to the scene with the police already there. They were able to relocate the lamb to a safer environment now in Cary. Please pray for this lamb as he is asking for the Lord to help him change his sinful ways. We are thanking the Lord for these fellow missionaries daily walk with Jesus and daily commitment to disciple the Lord's lost. It is challenging for local missionaries to work a full-time secular job and to be a full-time missionary. So many think of missionaries as those only traveling afar, instead of anyone "sent to spread the Christian faith among members of a community".
A missionary is on a freecycle loop, always in search of camping equipment and other items the homeless can use. A fellow missionary requested bicycles for Jesus' homeless her church serves. Her small church serves "two mornings a week (Monday and Thursday from 6-8am) we have breakfast, coffee and lunch food available for low-income and homeless men and women. Our building is next door to Labor Ready, which finds daily and temporary work for these people, and they are up at 5am to come there to find a job for a day. Just today, two men told me how much they walk to find work, and could use a bike." We are thanking the Lord for how so many of Jesus' children serve His kingdom daily.
Our House is a movie with Doris Roberts about homelessness. It airs March 25, 2006 at 9 PM.
The First Requirement of Ministry - TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman The priests are in mourning, those who minister before the Lord. - Joel 1:9. The first requirement for being used by God in the life of others is to mourn on their behalf. We must identify with their pain and suffering. Each of us must be broken for others first.In order to be fully used by God in the workplace, we need to understand what breaks God's heart. When we understand what breaks God's heart, we are able to mourn on behalf of a grieving person, or a nation we are called to serve. What breaks God's heart? When we begin to answer this question, we begin the first step to becoming instruments of change for those things that are important to God. Perhaps it is an overemphasis in our own talent and abilities, or lack of complete trust in Jesus. Perhaps it is the lack of respect for human life that leads to the killing of innocent babies. Perhaps it is the deceit and pride that often rule the workplace of commerce. Or perhaps it is the strife and divisions among His own Body that grieve Him most. When we begin to mourn over our own sins in these areas, God begins to use us as instruments of righteousness to affect these things. It was only when God let me see my own sins in the workplace and how they broke His heart that I began to be an instrument for His purposes.Today, ask God to show you what things in your world are breaking His heart. Then see how He might want you to be the priest to affect for Him. The first step is identification with what breaks God's heart.
Thank you for allowing us to share how the Lord is working in so many lives.
At the Sunday luncheon outreach missionaries were told eviction deadlines were approaching. One area's deadline is March 31st. The area these lambs were planning to move was given an eviction date by the local police of May 1st. With now three evictions, most of the SE Raleigh/Garner group will be relocated. The Lord has blessed some with homes - whether it is moving back to family or into apartments. Others are moving to the eastern part of the state or the mountains, Cary (with the new bus system) or Fuquay (with still wooded areas). Missionaries were told that Asheville has a wonderful homeless program.
One of the Lord's lambs was called Sunday while the group was still near the phone. He asked each person he spoke with to stop drinking. when he gave each one his testimony of living and dying.
While his sister-in-law talked with a missionary, she asked about a National Registry for families searching for homeless loved ones. After checking with other missionaries in NY working with the homeless, it was found there is no such registry. Most are interested in supporting the homeless. None have been found to support the families who are missing his/her loved ones or even how to help one find a loved one. The closest is The National Coalition for the Homeless at . Missionaries have contacted the group and are waiting for a response.
One of the Lord's lambs has a group of men from an area church praying for him and offering to help him receive the benefits due the lamb. The Lord is answering their prayers. The lamb is now again receiving his disability check, including his back payments. The Lamb has asked for prayers as he receives his lump sum of 10 months back disability., that he find an apartment and that he stay away from temptation and keep walking with the Lord.
Another lamb received a car this week. The car is in need of repairs prior to driving. Please pray when she goes to reinstate her license. She is also looking for the apartment the Lord already set aside for her. She has until the 31st to find one.
Missionaries attended a local high school to talk with students about serving the "untouchables" of today in our own community. The discussion was made personal when students were asked to identify homeless people. The students were given cards with names and a "bingo" type card with traits, such as age, education level, family life, what he/she is doing and has done demonstrating what the missionary is able to see through the love of Jesus. The list the missionary read was what the world sees when the one looks at an "untouchable" of his/her neighborhood. The readings were very different, as you can imagine. Another personal touch was when the student wanted to see the map where the homeless live in Wake county. Every student had homeless living within minutes of his/her home. A student approached the missionaries asking how she can serve the homeless of her community after school. She then followed-up with a email, " I'm interested in volunteering for your group on week days after school and possibly Saturdays (it depends on my work schedule)... I'm essentially looking for a non-profit job while I'm in Boston, and am particularly interested in homelessness prevention and aid." God is so good, calling the heart of someone young. Praise God!
A fellow missionary was called this week. The lamb Jesus has asked this couple to "adopt" was being beaten. He was hiding and crying out to the Lord through his sister and brother in Christ. The missionaries called on their way to pick him up praying for a hedge of protection. They were told to have faith and know the Lord will protect them. The missionary praying also prayed for them to know the Lord went ahead of them. When they arrived, they came to the scene with the police already there. They were able to relocate the lamb to a safer environment now in Cary. Please pray for this lamb as he is asking for the Lord to help him change his sinful ways. We are thanking the Lord for these fellow missionaries daily walk with Jesus and daily commitment to disciple the Lord's lost. It is challenging for local missionaries to work a full-time secular job and to be a full-time missionary. So many think of missionaries as those only traveling afar, instead of anyone "sent to spread the Christian faith among members of a community".
A missionary is on a freecycle loop, always in search of camping equipment and other items the homeless can use. A fellow missionary requested bicycles for Jesus' homeless her church serves. Her small church serves "two mornings a week (Monday and Thursday from 6-8am) we have breakfast, coffee and lunch food available for low-income and homeless men and women. Our building is next door to Labor Ready, which finds daily and temporary work for these people, and they are up at 5am to come there to find a job for a day. Just today, two men told me how much they walk to find work, and could use a bike." We are thanking the Lord for how so many of Jesus' children serve His kingdom daily.
Our House is a movie with Doris Roberts about homelessness. It airs March 25, 2006 at 9 PM.
The First Requirement of Ministry - TGIF Today God Is First, by Os Hillman The priests are in mourning, those who minister before the Lord. - Joel 1:9. The first requirement for being used by God in the life of others is to mourn on their behalf. We must identify with their pain and suffering. Each of us must be broken for others first.In order to be fully used by God in the workplace, we need to understand what breaks God's heart. When we understand what breaks God's heart, we are able to mourn on behalf of a grieving person, or a nation we are called to serve. What breaks God's heart? When we begin to answer this question, we begin the first step to becoming instruments of change for those things that are important to God. Perhaps it is an overemphasis in our own talent and abilities, or lack of complete trust in Jesus. Perhaps it is the lack of respect for human life that leads to the killing of innocent babies. Perhaps it is the deceit and pride that often rule the workplace of commerce. Or perhaps it is the strife and divisions among His own Body that grieve Him most. When we begin to mourn over our own sins in these areas, God begins to use us as instruments of righteousness to affect these things. It was only when God let me see my own sins in the workplace and how they broke His heart that I began to be an instrument for His purposes.Today, ask God to show you what things in your world are breaking His heart. Then see how He might want you to be the priest to affect for Him. The first step is identification with what breaks God's heart.
Thank you for allowing us to share how the Lord is working in so many lives.
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