Friday, August 18, 2006

August 18, 2006

God is so good!
This week while missionaries were picking up deli trash from the newest store, the woman working there told the missionary, "There is a deli ham and a deli turkey breast in the basket." The missionary thanked God for her and told her how the Lord would feed so many homeless people through her. The missionary went to her car to load it with the Lord's bounty and thought wouldn't it be nice if she would slice the meat. She went back inside to find the woman crying. They talked learning she and her daughter had been homeless 10 years ago, she knew what it was like to go hungry, and how much she appreciated it when someone gave them something to eat. She would be a blessed to slice the meat. What a gift from the Lord for both the woman and the missionary to be part of her "coming full circle” for Jesus.

The Church in the Woods ministry is part of a larger ministry, The Body of Christ. When the Church in the Woods received over 400 hot dogs with all the fixings, a missionary sent word to "the Body" asking who might be able to use them this week. One group who feeds hot dogs to the Lord's lambs every Saturday had already been provided for by the Lord, but a group who feeds low-income families in western Wake County, including Apex, was eager to receive the Lord's bounty. The missionary brought before and after photographs from a home in Apex that was repaired by another group from the “Body of Christ”. A Cary church did the study “40 Days of Community” last spring. The church has pledged to not begin any new ministries but to help those in their “Jerusalem ". This ministry was able to rebuild the front porch with a foundation of a rotting tree stump, replace the framing around doors, repair a roof, and landscape the yard. Missionaries' sons have been part of a similar project, where they went to the Appalachian area involving large fund raisers making similar home repairs, coming home after a week and on “fire for the Lord”. The amazing thing about this local group is they just needed to donate time because several area building companies donated all of the materials. God is the MIGHTY provider! The Helping Hand ministry was able to distribute the hot dogs this week. The hot dog vendor would like to donate his leftovers whenever possible. Thank you Lord for your mighty provision, someone's trash is another's treasure. A missionary wrote an article several months ago and now is published online titled "Garbage In, Garbage Out ." It can be read at

One of the Lord's lambs has been diligently trying to find a halfway house. To his dismay, most halfway homes do not allow people on disability. A brother in Christ who is staying in an Oxford home in Cary suggested several Oxford Homes with openings after their monthly meeting. Only one in Wake County allows people with disabilities. He has moved from missionaries' home this week. He is attending NA and AA meetings daily and doing volunteer work. He has gone to a doctor to get his referral to an orthopedic surgeon and has an appointment -- All of this prior to meeting with his continuing care counselor weeks after being released from treatment. The Lord planned His lamb's days and provided for him, as He always does when we trust in Him. We are thanking the Lord for this lamb's faith-based support circle and everyone's prayers. God is so faithful! This lamb needs a twin size comforter, a pillow, a clock radio, and would love some size 11 sneakers and some white socks.

The day one lamb moved out of missionaries' home, another moved in. God and His perfect timing! This lamb has work in Cary for a few days. The Lord has blessed him this week with sleep and healthy meals, as well as work. He has returned to the woods after being evicted from his dilapidated camper by the property owner and the city. His apartment will be ready in a few weeks. Pray he has work in Cary, at least occasionally, so he can get a good meal, a shower, and restful sleep. While in the woods, pray for His mighty arms of protection and peace. The lamb has received his hearing aid, but can't sleep with it. It isn't easy being hearing impaired and living in the woods.

A fellow missionary called another missionary Thursday morning looking for the Lord’s provision of food. He had half the number of sandwiches needed. The second missionary was picking up food from an area deli. They met and the Lord provided the other half of the needed sandwiches, as well as crackers, and cheesecake. Thank you Jesus!

The Lord blessed the Thursday outreach with beef stew, mashed potatoes, brownies, rice crispy treats, watermelon and peaches, an assortment of hot peppers and tomatoes, and drinks.
As the group gathered, a lost lamb who has been a few times told a missionary she needed help. The lost lamb told the missionary she has watched how people have been helped to stop using substances. She didn't understand how this group helps people, but she knew she needed help. When she was told that Jesus is the person to turn to for help, she shook her head, "No, I mean a treatment center." She called her mother and talked with a nurse from ATC. She wants to go TODAY for treatment. Praise God! Please pray for transportation for her to be able to go; pray when someone goes to pick her up, she is still willing to go for treatment. And most important, please continue to pray for her desire to have a relationship with Jesus.
Another lamb fell during the week and has injured her arm. It is swollen and bruised from her wrist to her shoulder and warm above her elbow. She is afraid to get treatment. Please keep her in your prayers. She needs more healing than just her arm.
Another lamb began drinking “vino” again. He handed his bottle to a missionary and told her to throw it away. He also FINALLY wants treatment for an old broken bone. Missionaries are to call the doctor for him today to schedule an appointment. Please keep him in your prayers. As you can read most of the evening was spent in prayer. Nehemiah will continue next week.

The Lord's lambs who were married in the spring have an apartment and have their children for an extended visit. Please continue to pray for them and furniture. They still don't have beds.

Driving angels are needed. So many lambs from the Thursday night outreach love going to the missionaries' church in Apex. They tell their friends in the woods and once they move into housing or treatment placements they tell their housemates. All still want to attend "their" church. Isn't God so good??? Picking the Lord's lambs up at a somewhat central location was easy for missionaries, but now His lambs are in apartments near NC State, in apartments near Peace College, at the Raleigh Rescue Mission, in apartments in Fuquay, and now two Oxford homes with increasing numbers. Please pray for angels willing to pick up lambs allowing them to be part of a larger faith-based community Sunday mornings and bring them home after the church service.

This week a missionary also received an email from someone in British Columbia, Canada, who wants to expand a homeless ministry.

The email said, in part: "We give out sandwiches, clothing, new socks & underwear, invite them inside for coffee and snacks and have taken a cotton candy machine with us on both occasions. It was awesome to serve and talk with this people. Just to show them they are worth it was a great experience. Our project right now is to open an outreach centre in our own town. Would you mind sharing how you got started? Any suggestions you may have would be appreciated."

We are thanking the Lord for you, your hearts, your hands and your prayers.


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