Friday, September 08, 2006

September 8, 2006

We are thanking the Lord for you and your prayers. The Lord is answering them.

A couple of weeks ago, several missionaries attended a church service where the pastor wondered aloud whether he was making disciples. The missionaries too began to ponder this question. A dictionary definition of disciple is one who accepts and assists in spreading the doctrines of Jesus. Matthew 28:18-20 “And Jesus came and spoke to them, saying, ‘All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples (teach, instruct) of all the nations (people), baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you (Matthew 22:36-39); and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.’ Amen.”

As the missionaries have asked the Lord, are the oppressed from their Jerusalem being instructed in His ways, given charge by Jesus? The Lord answered this week.

A missionary was asked to attend a friend’s court case this week. She was unable to attend due to lack of transportation and childcare, but one of the Lord’s lambs went to hold her friend’s hand. He told missionaries, “You wouldn’t let us be alone, she shouldn’t be alone.” Lord, thank you for Your compassion!

The Lord is answering your prayers for “driving angels.” One of His lambs received his driver’s license this week and a donated car. The lamb not only wants to give his tithe to Church in the Woods with his treasures but also with his precious time. He attended the Bible study last night. He aided missionaries with transporting the Lord’s homeless lambs back to camps. He also plans to attend the Saturday Moore Square and Carver Street outreaches, as well as volunteer with the Sunday ministry of grocery pick-ups and transporting people to and from church. He is ready to put into action the love of Jesus he received. Lord, thank you for willing hearts and hands!

Lambs who once were served meals at outreaches are now serving behind the lines with big smiles for everyone. Another lamb has opened his camp to a friend who lost his job and apartment. Lambs are counseling each other, helping each other with substance abuse issues, encouraging them to get into treatment centers or to seek help from family members. One lamb has been asked by a church to be a greeter for both services. Praise God!

An ex-con lamb who has been attending church with Church in the Woods missionaries and lambs called this week also wanting to tithe to Church in the Woods and volunteer with the Sunday ministry of grocery pick-ups and transporting people to and from church. In 2 Corinthians 8, Paul discusses this very thing,

While they were being severely tested by suffering, their overflowing joy, along with their extreme poverty, has made them even more generous. – 2 Cor. 8:2

Jesus also discusses it in Mark 12 and Luke 21. Missionaries have such tears of joy!

The Lord is also answering your prayers for harvesters from area congregations. Three churches have approached missionaries, feeling the Lord’s calling to serve the oppressed and lost in Wake County. A nurse from the medical mobile unit has served on mission trips to Nicaragua using vacation time. She was surprised to see similar conditions in her “backyard” and felt called to tell her brothers and sisters in Christ, wanting to serve the Lord daily. Her church has agreed to provide meals once a month for the Thursday outreach as well as volunteers. They are also praying about picking up groceries at a 5th Food Lion Sunday mornings.

An area church has agreed to supply a bag lunch for the 5th Saturday of each month. Thank You Jesus! What an outpouring of His mighty Love!

Last week missionaries were praising God at the possibilities of showers once a week. The proposal was taken to the pastoral staff and a modification was made, they want to host showers, providing transportation, meals and Bible studies TWICE A WEEK! With the pastoral staff backing, the mission counsel is expected to approve it this week. Missionaries have been asked to speak with the congregation after the showers begin. What a joy to serve our precious Lord with so many cheerful givers, 2 Corinthians 9! The Lord of the Harvest!!!

A missionary received an email this week from another woman in Garner who wants to serve those in need.

Another church donated gas cards for missionaries to use as thousands of miles are placed on vehicles each month. The cards were distributed to the Church in the Woods missionaries in the most need. The Lord is an awesome provider.

So many of you were praying for the lamb who went to court Friday. The judge is impressed with the attitude change and has given him a continuance. She doesn’t realize that this lost lamb was returned to His Father July 3rd, through Jesus Christ. Continue to keep him in your prayers.

The lamb who lost his job a few months ago and returned to the woods is now working. He needs a couple of paychecks to get back to renting a room. Please keep him in your prayers as alcoholism is still a problem.

We asked for bedding and cleaning supplies last week, with several people responding. A church offered to reimburse receipts. At the same time brothers & sisters in Christ made cash donations for these needs and bedding for three other lambs. Again our Lord’s provisions are overabundant!

This lamb is walking in a walk-a-thon, Walk for Hope, October 8th. Donations can be made for the team at online or checks can be mailed to Foundation of Hope, 9401 Glenwood Ave, Raleigh, NC 27617. The team’s name is “Silent Walkers,” they are all hearing impaired as is he. The walker code is BobHarris. He begins vocational rehab this month. His apartment was to be ready this month, but the construction is still incomplete. The new move-in date is November. The Lord’s lamb loves how the Jesus has changed his life, making him a new creation.

What a beautiful picture last night to witness the Lord’s lambs holding a precious six-week old infant! Children have a special way of touching the lost lamb’s hearts. She was passed to several lambs, each beaming the love of Jesus, not wanting to share her with another. We are thanking Jesus for the gift of children and the missionary’s trust in the Lord, knowing every person and child belong to the Father. In addition what a way to “train up a child in the way she should go, And when she is old she will not depart from it!”

The flock was large last night outside under the full moon. All were blessed with Nehemiah 8. What a joy to hear the lambs reading God’s Word, tackling the names listed, understanding what it is like to lift hands in praise, giving them a sense and understanding of the reading, knowing mourning and weeping and glimpses of His mighty Joy! They just had a great feast and at the moment filled with great gladness! A missionary drove a lamb to an AA meeting last night as well. Thank you Jesus!

One of the Lord’s lambs is had a hysterectomy yesterday. She appears to be doing well. Please keep her in your prayers.

Please continue to pray for the lamb suffering from a brain aneurism.

Last weeks’ medical mission helped several lambs get full physicals and provided grounds for some to get follow-up medical attention.

One of the Sunday outreaches brings the Lord’s lambs, lost and found, to church each week and then to a missionary family’s home for lunch. Some of these lambs from the Raleigh Rescue Mission have been boasting about the meals and fellowship. The news has traveled to the RRM counselors and now the women and children want to attend. The missionaries believe the more the merrier; however they are concerned that some women and children might be uncomfortable around the “rougher” crowd still living in the woods. Please pray for the Lord to open another one of His precious homes and/or churches for these lambs wanting to be found in the arms of the Lord Jesus’ fellowship. If the Lord is placing this on your heart, please contact the Raleigh Rescue Mission at 828-4980. The Raleigh Rescue mission will also provide a van if needed.

One of the Lord’s lambs is being baptized this weekend at an area church. Please keep him in Your prayers as he makes a commitment to Jesus. Hallelujah!

As winter approaches, please pray for provisions for the Lord’s oppressed and poor, Isaiah 58. Perhaps your church family can host a drive for socks, coats, blankets, tents, sleeping bags, toiletries (including toilet paper, feminine products and razors), gloves, hats, chapstick. The Church in the Woods serves over 600 people per week, in addition to the lambs served through the shelters. Last year several area churches crossed denominational walls, making and distributing plastic shoeboxes filled with goodies. The shoeboxes served as storage containers and a mini bathtub/sink for many.


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