November 12-19, 2006
The Lord has once again blessed us so much!
A missionary was asked to speak with the United Methodist Women 11/11 but was out of town. Another sister in Christ went so willing in her place to share stories of her experiences putting the women's fears to rest. The UMW is beginning showers in an area church December 2nd. The church body is providing transportation, showers, meals, and a Bible study on weekly bases. They are also planning to pack to-go meals for those who don't attend. Please keep this church in your prayers as they are blessed by being a blessing to others! God is good!
Last Sunday, missionaries were blessed to find just enough food to fill bags for delivery to the Lord's lambs, including one that had been lost and was given temporary shelter in the trailer where another had just taken up residence. It is such a blessing to see them looking out for each other. A handful of lambs returned to a missionary's home for hot dogs and fellowship.
A missionary was asked to speak at an Oxfam Hunger banquet and Homeless and Hunger panel through an AmeriCorps VISTA program at NCSU this week. With the Lord's perfect timing she was able to show photographs of camps received from the photo-journalist's shoot in October. She has been asked to return to the program's professional development planning meeting in December. They would like the opportunity to meet with the Lord's least of these and feed them. The Lord is opening so many opportunities for so many to serve His lost lambs!
During the week, a homeless couple learned they may be able to move into housing in Wendell. The man is recovering from being hit by a car and must have assisted living. His girlfriend is visually impaired and also needs assisted living. The Lord has found them places just a short walk apart!
On Thursday night, one lamb's salvation was sorely tested as he was using drugs again and was being verbally attacked by an old acquaintance with many of his past sins. Where once this man would have lashed out violently and probably ended up in jail, he held himself in check, storming outside to evade the temptation. Both eventually apologized for disrupting the Bible study and received prayer. Please continue to pray that they will avoid their substances of choice.
A White House Faith-Based and Community Initiative conference was held in Charlotte, NC this week with over 1000 faith-based organizations in attendance. What a blessing to participate with such a large group who serve our precious Lord's least of these. The conferences included workshops from many Federal and State departments covering issues such as housing, labor, justice, homeland security, health and human services. Other workshops covered issues such as youth offenders, families, volunteers, grant writing and submission, business plans, education, at-risk youth... Much was gleaned. The Lord is answering prayers with such provision!
Please keep a lamb in prayer. In order to receive disability he can no longer work. Although his disability check is less than his working check, he will receive housing and medical subsidies. Please pray for volunteer opportunities to occupy his 40 hour work week. We know what the Bible states about idleness. He just received his 6 month AA chip! This same lamb purchased winter items to donate for the area camps. Praise God!!
One of the Lord's lambs celebrated his one year substance free anniversary this week. He was blessed to return to his family in California and was able to see his father before he died. This lamb is now on a mission to alert others on the dangers of drinking and sclerosis of the liver, which still may claim his life. He is seeing how God is using him -- something he didn't imagine even a year ago. He is still living with family and is healthy enough now to help around the house and contribute some of his disability check to pay expenses -- something he felt strongly he must do to repay their loving hospitality.
One of the Lord's lambs has returned to the slippery slope of alcoholism. He has become more isolated and depressed. His sister called from Kentucky telling missionaries she planned to visit her brother. She was taken to his home and waited until he opened the door. Talk about the persistent widow! When the missionary returned bringing lunch, the two were in the yard, talking. It was the first time in many months she had seen him smiling. The sister plans to visit monthly. What a gift from the Lord to witness His hand repairing relationships!
A missionary filled his car with donated winter items from an area church last weekend. Other donations were dropped off during the week, filling their living room. Many of the items were used when another area church took care-packages to camps yesterday. What a treat to meet
with well over 30 brothers and sisters in Christ wanting to donate, sort, bring care-packages and prayer to area homeless! Some teams went with missionaries who have been into the camps before. Others went with "typical" directions to anyone's home, you know follow this path, when you get to the open area go to the right for another 20-30 yards until you see the path again, look for the blue tarp or green tent; another set of directions were follow the path to the track, turn right, walk 184 railroad ties and take a left on the path.
One team went to a beautiful Raleigh camp, a fire still smoldering with no one home. The team admired the camp, talked, and left the care-packages. As the team was driving past the camp, they could see the men opening their care-package. Imagine coming out of hiding to receive gifts such as the comfort and warmth of the blanket of Jesus, the Lord's protection from the elements with a coat, hat, scarves, and coat; and the Light of Jesus through His candle. Thank you Jesus for Your Light!
Another team went to a Cary camp. They found a lost lamb asking to attend church. He was ashamed of his clothing and felt so alone. He wanted clothing to attend church. A family's son was the same size and was able to donate pants, shirt, and a winter coat. The lamb attended church today and would like to return next week. He also would like to participate with the Thanksgiving feast at With Love From Jesus! Lord, we thank you for giving us arms to hug and welcome Your lost into Your family!
One missionary was sent to find four lambs near a K-Mart in Knightdale. As he neared the area, he saw a man flying a sign at an intersection and stopped to see whether he was one of the lambs. He turned out to be someone new, living in his van after being released following stomach surgery at nearby Wake Medical Center. The missionary gave him one of the care packages and went on. At K-Mart he found another man -- this one nearly arrived from Miami -- who gratefully accepted a care package and said the other four lambs had been forced to leave their camp by police. Not knowing where to find them, the missionary began driving across town towards his home with two more care packages in his trunk. “Where shall I drop these God?” he asked.
At an intersection in Garner, he suddenly felt God telling him to turn right, down a seldom used road. There he found a lamb he had known for several years -- one who had not been seen in months -- walking back to his old camp. The missionary joyfully stopped his car with emergency lights flashing, hugged the man and gave him the care package. As they were talking, the missionary said, "Now I just need to figure out what to do with the last bag." Then another lamb -- one who frequently comes Thursday night -- rode up on his bicycle, saying he had seen the flashing lights and wondered if anyone needed help. The missionary joyfully handed him the last care package, laughing and saying, "God was looking for you!"
Some teams met afterwards discussing how humbled members were with the warm reception and hospitality in the camp home or the care taken in the camps with beautiful rock walkways. The area church is planning "fishing for men" trips in December and January in the Cary/Apex area. They are asking the Lord to help them identify camps prior to the annual homeless count in January. A brother in Christ is making a map of the camp locations. God is amazing!
Today (Sunday) still more people at an area church were volunteering to bring blankets, other supplies and to help out with the next homeless outreach. Others, in person and by email, said they would be coming out Thanksgiving night to lend a hand and share the love of Jesus. Missionaries at that church were blessed to meet a brother and sister in Christ who will be mission leaders there. Their first order of business was to join the lambs at the regular weekly lunch and find out all they could about the outreach. Praise God!
We are thanking the Lord for you, your prayers, your generous heart and hands.
A missionary was asked to speak with the United Methodist Women 11/11 but was out of town. Another sister in Christ went so willing in her place to share stories of her experiences putting the women's fears to rest. The UMW is beginning showers in an area church December 2nd. The church body is providing transportation, showers, meals, and a Bible study on weekly bases. They are also planning to pack to-go meals for those who don't attend. Please keep this church in your prayers as they are blessed by being a blessing to others! God is good!
Last Sunday, missionaries were blessed to find just enough food to fill bags for delivery to the Lord's lambs, including one that had been lost and was given temporary shelter in the trailer where another had just taken up residence. It is such a blessing to see them looking out for each other. A handful of lambs returned to a missionary's home for hot dogs and fellowship.
A missionary was asked to speak at an Oxfam Hunger banquet and Homeless and Hunger panel through an AmeriCorps VISTA program at NCSU this week. With the Lord's perfect timing she was able to show photographs of camps received from the photo-journalist's shoot in October. She has been asked to return to the program's professional development planning meeting in December. They would like the opportunity to meet with the Lord's least of these and feed them. The Lord is opening so many opportunities for so many to serve His lost lambs!
During the week, a homeless couple learned they may be able to move into housing in Wendell. The man is recovering from being hit by a car and must have assisted living. His girlfriend is visually impaired and also needs assisted living. The Lord has found them places just a short walk apart!
On Thursday night, one lamb's salvation was sorely tested as he was using drugs again and was being verbally attacked by an old acquaintance with many of his past sins. Where once this man would have lashed out violently and probably ended up in jail, he held himself in check, storming outside to evade the temptation. Both eventually apologized for disrupting the Bible study and received prayer. Please continue to pray that they will avoid their substances of choice.
A White House Faith-Based and Community Initiative conference was held in Charlotte, NC this week with over 1000 faith-based organizations in attendance. What a blessing to participate with such a large group who serve our precious Lord's least of these. The conferences included workshops from many Federal and State departments covering issues such as housing, labor, justice, homeland security, health and human services. Other workshops covered issues such as youth offenders, families, volunteers, grant writing and submission, business plans, education, at-risk youth... Much was gleaned. The Lord is answering prayers with such provision!
Please keep a lamb in prayer. In order to receive disability he can no longer work. Although his disability check is less than his working check, he will receive housing and medical subsidies. Please pray for volunteer opportunities to occupy his 40 hour work week. We know what the Bible states about idleness. He just received his 6 month AA chip! This same lamb purchased winter items to donate for the area camps. Praise God!!
One of the Lord's lambs celebrated his one year substance free anniversary this week. He was blessed to return to his family in California and was able to see his father before he died. This lamb is now on a mission to alert others on the dangers of drinking and sclerosis of the liver, which still may claim his life. He is seeing how God is using him -- something he didn't imagine even a year ago. He is still living with family and is healthy enough now to help around the house and contribute some of his disability check to pay expenses -- something he felt strongly he must do to repay their loving hospitality.
One of the Lord's lambs has returned to the slippery slope of alcoholism. He has become more isolated and depressed. His sister called from Kentucky telling missionaries she planned to visit her brother. She was taken to his home and waited until he opened the door. Talk about the persistent widow! When the missionary returned bringing lunch, the two were in the yard, talking. It was the first time in many months she had seen him smiling. The sister plans to visit monthly. What a gift from the Lord to witness His hand repairing relationships!
A missionary filled his car with donated winter items from an area church last weekend. Other donations were dropped off during the week, filling their living room. Many of the items were used when another area church took care-packages to camps yesterday. What a treat to meet

Another team went to a Cary camp. They found a lost lamb asking to attend church. He was ashamed of his clothing and felt so alone. He wanted clothing to attend church. A family's son was the same size and was able to donate pants, shirt, and a winter coat. The lamb attended church today and would like to return next week. He also would like to participate with the Thanksgiving feast at With Love From Jesus! Lord, we thank you for giving us arms to hug and welcome Your lost into Your family!
One missionary was sent to find four lambs near a K-Mart in Knightdale. As he neared the area, he saw a man flying a sign at an intersection and stopped to see whether he was one of the lambs. He turned out to be someone new, living in his van after being released following stomach surgery at nearby Wake Medical Center. The missionary gave him one of the care packages and went on. At K-Mart he found another man -- this one nearly arrived from Miami -- who gratefully accepted a care package and said the other four lambs had been forced to leave their camp by police. Not knowing where to find them, the missionary began driving across town towards his home with two more care packages in his trunk. “Where shall I drop these God?” he asked.
At an intersection in Garner, he suddenly felt God telling him to turn right, down a seldom used road. There he found a lamb he had known for several years -- one who had not been seen in months -- walking back to his old camp. The missionary joyfully stopped his car with emergency lights flashing, hugged the man and gave him the care package. As they were talking, the missionary said, "Now I just need to figure out what to do with the last bag." Then another lamb -- one who frequently comes Thursday night -- rode up on his bicycle, saying he had seen the flashing lights and wondered if anyone needed help. The missionary joyfully handed him the last care package, laughing and saying, "God was looking for you!"
Some teams met afterwards discussing how humbled members were with the warm reception and hospitality in the camp home or the care taken in the camps with beautiful rock walkways. The area church is planning "fishing for men" trips in December and January in the Cary/Apex area. They are asking the Lord to help them identify camps prior to the annual homeless count in January. A brother in Christ is making a map of the camp locations. God is amazing!
Today (Sunday) still more people at an area church were volunteering to bring blankets, other supplies and to help out with the next homeless outreach. Others, in person and by email, said they would be coming out Thanksgiving night to lend a hand and share the love of Jesus. Missionaries at that church were blessed to meet a brother and sister in Christ who will be mission leaders there. Their first order of business was to join the lambs at the regular weekly lunch and find out all they could about the outreach. Praise God!
We are thanking the Lord for you, your prayers, your generous heart and hands.
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