Friday, October 27, 2006

October 27, 2006

We are thanking the Lord for you, your hearts, and your prayers.

The events over the last week caused some of the missionaries to once again realize how small our plans can be and how God's plans are so much bigger than anyone can imagine.
Last Thursday missionaries were packing to go out of town on a business trip. They received a call from Triangle Homeworks. Triangle Homeworks is a smaller local version of ABC's Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition. If the Lord's leads, you can read about one home at the following website . ABC's Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition had received a nomination of a Church in the Woods missionary family, from their pastor's wife, for a hometown hero and were finalists. The interviews were to begin Friday with the local agency and Saturday with the ABC group. The missionaries asked instead of their home being made over for ABC's Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition to makeover a transitional home for the homeless. The missionary family was interviewed and then were able to take the local and ABC's interviewers to the woods to meet some of the Lord's extended family. The teams were so surprised to see the melting of hearts and demonstration of love as a special needs child walked into the camp to tell his compadre "hello." Only the Lord could orchestrate interviewing four of the Lord's lambs without the use of telephones or setting up appointments. One lamb was interviewed by the LA team and found they had gone to the same high school in Wisconsin. They were able to see one of the nicest camps in the area and still walked away feeling they had been in a third world country. The interview film footage was presented to ABC's Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition and did not win, although the lives of the teams (local and LA's) will never be the same. God is so amazing the way He touches hearts, causing one to recall Psalm 103:11-13! The team is considering instead a 2 hour "Special Edition". Property, housing plans, zoning, etc. need to be nailed down. The finished interview film footage will be available for churches and other organizations to view. Please pray for the Lord's guidance and will.

The Lord bringing attention to His "least of these" in the November Cary Magazine and ABC's Extreme Makeovers: Home Edition is not only bringing awareness of the poor, but touching hearts of so many who are considering serving Jesus' lost lambs. A non-denominational theology school has contacted missionaries, a church wants to become more actively involved with serving Jesus through the Church in the Woods ministry, and another church may have property to donate in Apex for a single homeless mom transitional home/duplex.
Please pray for the Church in the Woods board as they meet next week to pray where the Lord is leading His ministry.

The missionaries did go on the business trip, thanking God for Triangle Homeworks and the donated airfare Saturday evening returning yesterday afternoon. While they were out of town, two of the Lord's found lambs led the Thursday night mission (with the support of church families). Three of the Lord's found lambs picked-up the groceries at the four stores, delivering notes and lunches in the rain, offering to take lambs to church, and feeding them lunch in their home. The missionaries are thanking the Lord for His Hands in these three lambs and church families. The missionaries are also thanking the Lord for all those who have picked up food from caterers and groceries store while they were out of town. God is good and faithful and so are His servants!

The medical mobile unit serve those in need last night. The group was large with several new faces in need of prayer, medical attention and the love of Jesus. Please pray for dental care. The nurses and doctor are gifts from the Lord, dental care is also needed.

The Lord's love is contagious. One of the Lord's lambs who has been standing outside the walls of the Thursday night mission has taken in a lamb who was beaten while recuperating. He also brought him a take-out plate of dinner last night.

A lamb who came back from FL is now working full-time and has moved into his sister's home. He is also substance free. Praise God!

A lamb has been telling missionaries he and his dog were moving into a trailer before November 1st. Thank God he did prior to his camp burning down Saturday.

Please pray for a lamb who has a court hearing today for open container and trespassing.

Please pray for the Lord's patience for the lamb who was suppose to move into an apartment in August and then again in November. It still hasn't passed code.

Please continue to pray for the lamb who has been substance free for 40 days.

Another lamb was violently kidnapped and raped several weeks ago. She was questioning God, "Why would God allow this horrible thing to happen?" Due to her identification of this man, they were able to arrest and put under a $1,000,000 bond a child molester. She was able to find some peace knowing the Lord used this horrible event to spare what is most precious to her, children. Please continue to pray for her and her healing. We are thanking the Lord for her courage to step forward and identify this man.


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