Friday, March 23, 2007

March 23, 2007

We are thanking you for your prayers and support as the Lord continues to provide abundantly for this ministry! More and more people are being drawn into communion with one another through the homeless and so many blessings are being shared!

Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
· Please pray for those at the Zimpeto Center in Mozambique. It was hit by bombs March 22. You can read more about it in the notes from the Bakers at
· Medical mobile mission, Thursday, March 29, 2007 at With Love From Jesus from 6:30 until. The team is always in need of doctors, dentists and hygienists. There is an attending physician with the needed liability insurance. Contact Alice McGee at 772-7050, if you are interested in serving.
· The 10th Annual Homeless Conference is scheduled for April 10-11 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC. Sessions will include HUD, Housing Finance Agency, the Key Program, the SOAR initiative, Re-Entry Initiatives, Community Voice Mail, Carolina Homeless Information Network and the Housing First initiative. The NC Coalition to End Homelessness will host a dessert reception to kick off the conference on Monday, April 9, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM at Vintage 21, 209 Oberlin Road, Raleigh (Suggested donation at the door.) Legislative Afternoon: Wednesday, April 11, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PMThe NC Coalition to End Homelessness (NCCEH) will host an afternoon at the State Legislature. Assistance is also available in scheduling your meetings.For more information, feel free to contact, Martha Are, Homeless Policy Specialist, 919-733-4534. registrations are due March 26, 2007
· Wake County Local Managing Entity (LME) and the Wake County Gang Prevention Partnership Present “Gangs 101: Establishing Rapport and Conducting Gang Outreach” By Victor M. Gonzalez, Jr. Thursday, March 29, 2007, 9am-5pm at the Wake County Commons Building 4011 Carya Drive, Raleigh Participants will learn ways to establish rapport with youth involved with gangs and gang activity, how to conduct gang street outreach, as well as tips for engaging gang involved youth. For questions contact Beth Nelson at
· Wake County Local Managing Entity (LME) and the Wake County Gang Prevention Partnership Present “Development & Implementation of Gang Outreach and Intervention Team” By Victor M. Gonzalez, Jr. Friday March 30, 2007, 8:30am-3:30pm Wake County Human Services Swinburne Building, 220 Swinburne Drive, Raleigh. Register by e-mailing For questions about the training contact Beth Nelson at
· Just a click and they donate feminine supplies to local homeless shelters

Prayer and Praise!
· Thank you Jesus for bringing a lamb to church for the first time Sunday.
· Please pray for a lamb who is visiting his mother for the first time in 30 years. His brother is planning to visit her in December.
· A lamb has been admitted to Dix for severe alcohol addiction. The lambs asked that he be in your prayers. The missionaries don’t know him, but God does.
· Several lambs that haven’t been seen for months came last night, just to “check-in” and let many know they were doing well, had jobs, working on stopping substances.
· A new lamb from Poole Road shyly came. She was reserve and frightened until another lamb knelt at her feet, hugged her, and quietly told her everything would be Ok, let her know she loved her while stroked her hair. The Bible study group introduced themselves and welcomed her to the group. We are thanking Jesus for the gentleness this group has developed in 2007.
· Please continue to pray for the lamb with the broken wrist. She was seen by an area orthopedic, free of charge. He gave her a sturdy splint with monthly follow-up appointment to work the bone back into place. Praise God!
· What a blessing to have the Lord’s lamb show the group his photographs of his family, especially his daughter. He is going to be a grandfather in May.
· A high school student came to the group to ask questions for a psychology project. The lambs answered even the tough questions such as whether they were abused as children, substance abuse in their families, and their substance abuse issues past and present. One of the interesting things was all but one had been abused as a child, all have had or continue to have substance abuse issues, and all had attended church as a child with a family member, often the one abusing them.
· Thank you Jesus for those who went the VA event at Cornerstone yesterday. The veteran received clothing, food, and PRAYER. Services were available for those who needed them. Services included Veteran benefits, social security, Community colleges…
· Please pray for one lamb who after over two years opened up to a missionary. His wife died during child birth in 1984. He has had a hard time forgiving God for taking her from him and his children.
· A lamb fell into a hole walking during the night without a flashlight and has injured his knee. Please keep him in prayer.
· Please keep a lamb in prayer as he struggles with addiction and wanting to stay substance free. He is being paid today.
· Thank you Jesus for answering so many of your prayers. This lamb has been substance free all week. He has been doing odd jobs for brothers and sisters in Christ on his days off. Please do continue to keep him in prayer as he stays substance free and continues with the job he enjoys and wants to keep.
· Please pray for a lamb who needs to see a doctor. She has found a lump in her breast. She also has had many abnormal PAP’s but hasn’t seen a doctor for any follow-ups. She has a family history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. She has been given the phone number of the doctor who will see her.
· Thank you Jesus for answering so many of your prayers. Both men had such a blessed time at the men’s retreat. One lamb came home and asked two men to be part of his support circle. He was also given a new tent by someone at his Bible study group. Four to six more are needed. Please pray for those men to step forward. The other lamb was touched when one of the pastor’s from the retreat came to his place of business Monday. God is so good!
· Thank you Jesus for answering so many of your prayers. This lamb has decided to take a room at Cornerstone beginning April 3rd.
· Thank you Jesus for answering so many of your prayers. The lamb also wants to thank you for your prayers. There was a computer problem which was taken care of Monday morning, so the eviction notice has been dropped.
· Please pray for a lamb couple who’s home is being condemned at the end of the month.
· A lamb has now had successful surgery in both eyes. She has completed her job training for the visually impair. Pray for a job opportunity. She wants to thank all of you for your prayers.
· A lamb who loves animals received a dog that gave birth to a litter of puppies. Puppies will be available in 4-5 weeks.
· The lamb has turned down the opportunity of renting an apartment from his boss. He doesn’t want to be so far from his friends.
· A lamb has been living with family. He feels he is a burden and is ready to move out into the car he has purchased. Pray that his decisions are God ordained and not from pride and self sufficiency.
· A lamb has completed her in-house job. She is staying in an area hotel with the support of an area church. She is asking for prayers for a job and to continue her college classes. The bus does go to Wake Tech.
· Please continue to pray for the much needed transitional home in the Cary/Apex area.
· Please continue to pray for support circles as these lambs readjust to society and are welcomed into the Body of Christ.
· Praise God for the existing support circle as the Body of Christ encircles a lamb with the love of Jesus!
· Pray for a missionary who is speaking to an area church’s home group leaders concerning support circles.
· The lord has answered prayers for the Church in the Woods’ director’s son-in-law. His leave has been extended until April 5th . Please keep him in prayer, as well as his wife and twin sons.
· The Horizon clinic has hired a new doctor. There will be a doctor on site each morning, but only two in the afternoon. The doctors also want to go into the camps to serve the homeless community more than once a month. Praise you Jesus!
· Please pray for a much needed storage unit.

Missionary Testimonials
· Missionaries have been walking into camps for almost 3 years and asking every week if lambs would like to go to church. What a gift from God to walk into a camp Sunday morning and ask a lamb would you like to go to church and his response was, “yes” for the first time! Praise God!
· The Lord has such perfect timing. A missionary went to purchase soda for the meal last night and as she left the store she saw a lamb who has been visiting his uncle and son for a couple of weeks. They began to talk and he asked why her God put her through her surgery. She tried to explain what a blessing it was only to realize hospital frightened him. While listening he told her about his tour in Vietnam, the death of his mother, then the death of his wife, which lead to his lack of faith. He had studied in seminary for two years. He prays and talks with God. In his conversations with God, the Lord has told him the only way to the father is through His son, but he still doesn’t understand why The Son wouldn’t save his wife the mother of his children, as He did in the Bible. Was it because he killed so many in Vietnam? He is leaving town. He would love to spend time with his 14 grandchildren and his 4 children. Please keep him in your prayers, let the light of Jesus be rekindled in his heart.
· Another missionary has been bringing needed items to a lamb in an area closer to her home for a couple of weeks. The lamb wanted to come to the Bible study last night. Thank you Jesus for stirring Your light and love into another lamb. Please pray that she wants to accept Jesus as her savior.
· Missionaries have been praying for involvement with gangs in the Wake County area. In one day they received notice of a former homeless couple who once completing college, want to return to Raleigh and join Church in the Woods with Church in the Hood. The couple feels the Lord’s calling to gang intervention. Then the missionaries received notice of the Gang Intervention seminars next week. Thank you Jesus for confirmation and your mighty harvesters.

Fishing Trip!
· The next trip will be April 14th, meeting at Hope Chapel in Apex at 10 AM. The Lord placed bicycles on people’s heart for this fishing trip. If you have a bicycle that can be ridden, please pray about donating it. This trip will also need people with trucks, SUV, and vans that can carry bicycles. The contacts will be Stephanie Narron at and Alice Ligon at .

God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
· Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner church.
· Thank the Lord for the family who is assisting with bringing a form homeless lamb couple to church each week.
· A tent was brought last night and needed. Praise God for His provision.
· Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, individuals, and caterers! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, camping equipment, blankets, candles, and toiletries donated this week.
· We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles.
· Thank you Jesus for the AutoZone that is recharging the donated batteries.
· Thank you Jesus for all of you who keep this ministry covered in prayer.


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