Thursday, October 18, 2007


Evailo won't be there Saturday, cause he finally has a home;
I'm sorry I didn't have a chance, to bid adios, good-bye, shalom.

To some he was just a homeless person, struck down by a car;
When I look at the picture of this man, I just see a shining star.

His disposition never fit his circumstances, he never seemed distressed;
Always so very gracious for HOPE, but it's me that has been blessed.

He was always smiling and praising God and speaking of Jesus as Lord,
He was my Christian Brother, our lives so very different, but in accord.

I pray today for his family, may God prepare the hearts in Belize.
Of those that have fond memories, of a man, the least of these.

I know we touched the mortal life of Evailo Torres, our friend.
My Spirit knows he was born again and I will see him once again.

Another saint has gone to Heaven, he has knocked upon the door;
Our Lord will take good care of Evailo, he will need and want no more.

Blessings, Len


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