Friday, September 15, 2006

September 15, 2006

Praise God for another wonderful week of blessings!

We are seeing so many awesome changes in the lambs as they take up the mantle of service to one another and even to God's lost.

One formerly lost lamb prayed fervently during the Thursday night Bible study for a lamb with depression and substance abuse issues. This lamb has also agreed to help pick up groceries for the ministry and to prayer walk dark neighborhoods to reclaim them for Christ -- Praise God!

During prayer time Thursday, another lamb suggested everyone pray for a woman who has suffered many medical problems recently. When he said he didn't know how to pray, another lamb quickly demonstrated for him. Later, the two were sitting together, taking turns reading from Nehemiah 9. What a joy to hear God's Word from their lips!

The evening was so blessed, one missionary took prayer time to praise God for how the lost lambs have spoken into her life!

One man who has been coming to missionaries' church helped get a mechanic to check out a donated van this week. They pronounced it sound, but in need of a tune-up and oil change.

A Garner lamb has moved to Apex and wants Church in the Woods to start a mission there. Another lamb who moved to Florida many months ago returned to a joyous reunion Sunday.

God continues to provide abundantly for the missions. An area church that regularly delivers their leftovers to missionaries' home every Wednesday provided stuffing, carrots, a green bean casserole and a gallon of tea this week. A missionary gave thanks for the bounty, then said, "Lord, chicken would be nice with this, but I only have two chickens in my freezer." When she went to Food Lion to pick up food that was to be thrown away, the Lord had five more roasted chickens waiting for His meal Thursday. Overjoyed, the missionary called the woman who faithfully brings the food each week and they shared His mighty Glory!

Please pray for a lamb who is looking to leave the woods and stop drinking. He has found work with a man who won't let him drink on the job or during the drive home, but the lamb still drinks every night. He would like to stay with missionaries, but isn't sure he can abide by their no-drinking rule. God is working in him, as he joined prayer circles Thursday, including one for casting out demons.

Please continue to pray for two lambs who were beaten and robbed last week. A lamb has opened his apartment to them, but more physical and emotional healing is needed.

Also pray for a lamb who says she will return to church this Sunday after a long absence. She truly seems to be feeling the Lord's insistent calling. Praise God!


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