
A prayer was answered Sunday evening when an employer called with 10 three-week positions. This week three of the Lord's lambs have begun working fulltime. They received gifts of work boots, food, and gas from an area church and missionaries. Depending on the work schedule, the three have rotated through missionaries'

Thanksgiving Day was such a blessing! Missionaries who regularly minister on Thursday nights arrived this time to see dozens of

It was awesome to see the new missionaries mingling with the lambs, sharing stories, finding out about needs and offering help as they were led by the Lord. Some received coats and blankets, others dog food and cat food for their pets in the woods. But

Please pray for a vision shared by one missionary of a business that will employ the homeless without regard to their past work histories or criminal records, helping them find housing as well. Please pray the kerosene account be replenished in time for the

One of the Lord's lambs, suffering from what may be sciatica, received treatment and prayers from several missionaries -- including some who had experienced the same problem themselves. One missionary, celebrating her birthday, was blessed to have two versions of Happy Birthday sung in her honor. She also received phone calls, gifts, and cards signed by so many

A lamb who had been living off Poole Road has returned to Garner. Please pray he will heed the dozens of invitations he received to come to church!

The medical mobile unit will be at With Love From Jesus November 30th beginning at 6:30.
We are thanking Jesus for each of you being a blessing to so many!
God Bless
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