Chris has gone to be with His Heavenly Father

Our friend Chris, a prodigal son who returned to a loving welcome from his family seventeen months ago, returned to his Heavenly Father yesterday, still surrounded by his loved ones.
We were able to talk with his brother and sister moments before Chris died. He was not in any pain. Praise God!
Chris’ story is such a divine blessing. His family in California contacted us two and a half years ago “on a lark,” curious to see if we might know Chris through our homeless ministry. As God would have it, we had learned quite a bit about him through the homeless showers and friends of ours who were also from California.
We had been corresponding with Chris’ family for 6 months when Chris fell and shattered his knee. While in rehab, he was encouraged to call his family. The dialog with his family increased. We asked him to read Romans chapter 8:28-39.
Chris gave up his beer and considered going home for a visit over Christmas break -- a little Chris for Christmas. Another friend, Bob, gave Chris his AA chip for his train ride to California. So many things went wrong on the train that Chris went into a bar and ordered a beer. He was putting his hand in his pocket to pay for it and pulled out Bob’s AA chip. He put the beer back. Praise God!
For months prior to his fall, we had been reading Chris the story of the prodigal son. For months Chris refused to imagine that anyone could forgive him after 23 years. He was told, over and over again “just wait until you get home and see your family.”
What a welcome home he received! Praise God! He was met at the train station by his family and was able to see his ailing father. He was able to see every member of his family, even his brother from France during his time in CA. Shortly after arriving, he called to tell us that he now believed the story of the prodigal son.
His plan was to go home for two weeks and return to the woods. With the welcome he received he decided to stay with his family, especially near his parents as his father only had a short time to live.
Chris was blessed to spend 9 months with his father before he died in September. Prior to Chris’ dad dying, Bill told Chris how much he loved him and how proud he was of him. He also thanked Chris for coming home. Chris was given a living testimony of Romans 8:28 and would profess it. We thank you Lord for your glory!
Two years ago, doctors said Chris would only live a few months. But God graced him with more time. Chris has gone around the Bay Area telling people about the hazards of alcohol. He has even called back to Raleigh to the Sunday mission to tell his old friends of the dangers of drinking.
We are so blessed to be part of Chris’ life and the life of his family. We are thankful that Chris’ family is part of our family as well. We are so thankful that the loving arms of Jesus can stretch across a nation. We thank the Lord for allowing us to witness His mighty miracles through healing of bodies and souls, building of relationships, and His unconditional love. We thank you Lord for allowing us to be part of the Chris’ family.
sending love and prayers,
The Bowman/Boyce family
Precious Thorn,
You know my prayers are with you as you grieve for Chris. What a blessing & victory it is that he was where he was at that moment of passing into the very presence of Jesus. What a joy to reflect on his total turnaround and on the way the Lord so faithfully & visibly restored the years the locusts had eaten in this most special life. Chris is a huge glorious picture of encouragement to all those involved in any way in your ministry, and will always serve as a beacon of light to inspire those ministering alongside you. I know his story will also draw new folks to your group, as it also draws lambs to sobriety and relationship restorations. Chris is a man of powerful testimony, and I know the Lord must have greeted him with, "Well done, good & faithful servant"
Much love & many prayers for you and all Chris huge family in and out of the woods,
You chose the perfect photo to include
Thank you for all you and this ministry do, your obedience to God is shown in the work this ministry does. I am glad to know someone like you are here for the lost sheep. I always speak of this ministry with a glad and grateful heart; you are a very special person. Your help and care gives someone hope for another tomorrow, making life easier and better. Your continual acts of thoughtfulness and kindness brighten each day.
As I volunteered some month’s ago to travel with you along your route of visiting each camp, I am still mesmerized, by the gentleness and compassion shown to each camp owner. I read your e-mail with reverence, I am delighted to see God’s favor upon you for all you do.
I appreciate you, and I thank you for all you do.
A friend in Christ,
E. Nelson
God is so good..........
All you do, everyday, is in this story. If not another person is touched but Chris by your mission it is all so worth while.
I know your heart is grieving for Chris yet what a wonderful welcome he has received in heaven. Praise God for that. Know that he'll be missed here, too. I am so thankful that you all had the opportunity to bless him and know him through CitW and what an eternal impact that had. Could you pass on his family's address for a condolence card, please. In Him, Kath
This song meant so much to me, a country song by Vince Gill. It reminded me of Chris
I know your life
On earth was troubled
And only you could know the pain
You weren't afraid to face the devil
You were no stranger to the rain
Oh, how we cried the day you left us
We gathered round your grave to grieve
I wish I could see the angels faces
When they hear your sweet voice sing
Go rest high on that mountain
Son, you work on earth is done
Go to heaven a shoutin'
Love for the Father and Son
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