Monday, October 22, 2007

October 22, 2007

Thank you Jesus for all Your blessings we are allowed to witness each week. Thank you also for Your faithfulness.

Prayer and Praise!
Cary and Apex
• A Monday Cary missionary has asked for prayers for a lamb with multiple health issues. Due to liver complications her doctors have given her a few months to live. She prayed with the missionary today and accepted Jesus as her Savior. Halleluiah!!!!
The two also prayed for physical healing. He is asking that the Thursday missionary also pray with her this week and weeks to come. Praise the Lord, Jesus is discipling she and her husband through this missionary with prayer, books and tapes concerning Christianity. The missionary is asking for prayer for her walk with Christ, her new love for the Lord and His Word, and healing of her mind as well as her body.
• Please keep a lamb’s mother in your prayers. She has been hospitalized and may be dying.
• The Four Square Denomination District Women’s Retreat collected excess hotel toiletries for the Christmas Moore Square Outreach. Thank You Lord for Your mighty provisions.
• Shirley’s ministry is a non-profit for the animals in the woods. She is in need of financial contributions as well as pet food.
Shirley Companion Ministry
PO Box 1468
Fuquay, NC 27526
• Creech Chiropractic is conducting a winter clothing/blanket drive for Church in the Woods during October and a non-perishable food drive during November. Thank You Jesus!
• The Backyard Bible Club is every Sunday afternoon. This is for the children. For more information concerning the Backyard Bible Club please contact Stacy Boxell at
• Please keep in prayer all the Apex and Cary missions. If you feel called to serve the socially and economically challenged in the Cary/Apex are please contact Cindy at

• Evailo’s memorial service will be Saturday, October 27th at the Garner Methodist Church at 3:30 PM on Methodist Dr.
• A Hispanic lamb was transferred to a FL prison this week. He is to serve ~ a week there and then released. Pray for the Lord’s provision after he is released. If it is the Lord’s will, he will find transportation to return Raleigh
• A lamb was hired by Wades Shows and had moved with the company to Orlando, FL. He wants to get his life together and he is finding it difficult to do in the woods of Raleigh. He is bringing his Bible and devotional book. The Bible was given to him by Evailo, the man who died last week.
• A Hispanic lamb who moved to Pennsylvania is so on fire for Jesus now that he is attending church almost every day. He is writing to his old friends in the Garner woods to try to make sure they are saved and surrender their lives and addictions to Jesus.
Please pray that his continued letters make a difference and that, if God wills, he visits here to make the love of Jesus known to all.
• Please continue to pray for a lamb who is trying to stay clean and sober while still in the woods.

Missionary Testimonials
Evailo won't be there Saturday, cause he finally has a home;
I'm sorry I didn't have a chance, to bid adios, good-bye, shalom.

To some he was just a homeless person, struck down by a car;
When I look at the picture of this man, I just see a shining star.

His disposition never fit his circumstances, he never seemed distressed;
Always so very gracious for HOPE, but it's me that has been blessed.

He was always smiling and praising God and speaking of Jesus as Lord,
He was my Christian Brother, our lives so very different, but in accord.

I pray today for his family, may God prepare the hearts in Belize.
Of those that have fond memories, of a man, the least of these.

I know we touched the mortal life of Evailo Torres, our friend.
My Spirit knows he was born again and I will see him once again.

Another saint has gone to Heaven, he has knocked upon the door;
Our Lord will take good care of Evailo, he will need and want no more.


Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
-- CitW Medical missions will now be hosting two medical missions per month. The CitW medical mission has two new glucometers, Ascensia contour and Ascensia Breeze. Both need testing strips.
If you are able to donate the strips, please contact Anne Willet at 461- 9737 or via email at
The third type of glucometer CitW has is a TheraSense "FreeStyle", if you have strips to donate, please contact Susan Heineman at 787-3434 or via email at
If you, your church, pharmacy or doctor’s office would like to donate these items please contact Anne or Susan.
➢ Garner Medical mission will be at the Garner Methodist Church from 3 PM and 4:30PM. If you feel the Lord asking you to serve, Anne Willet is the contact person. Her phone number is 461- 9737.
The dates are as following for 2007:
• November 3rd
• December 1st
➢ The Apex Medical Mission will be under the trees at Thriftwood Dr. in Apex from 4 PM and 5 PM. If you feel the Lord asking you to serve, Susan Heineman is the contact person. Her phone number is 787-3434.
The dates are as following for 2007:
• December 2nd

God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
-- Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner Methodist church Thank You Jesus for serving hearts! Thank You Lord for the laundermat that continues to hold the homeless laundry account.
-- Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area Food Lion stores, Macedonia Baptist church , individuals, and Catering-by-Design! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, storage places (Hope Chapel), and toiletries donated this week.
-- We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles, especially as new ones are developing across Cary and Apex. Praise God!


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