Monday, December 21, 2009
Monday, August 17, 2009
August 17, 2009
The Lord has been doing some amazing things in and through the Church in the Woods ministry in recent weeks -- so many things that we've fallen behind in writing about them.
One woman who had been hospitalized after being beaten by her husband surrendered herself to entering a Christ-centered rehabilitation in Florida. She has been transformed by the experience and the overflow is transforming her husband and her family. This woman is hoping to run a similar center for people in need here when she is fully recovered. Her husband is working, has been sober for more than 100 days, is attending substance-abuse meetings and is in a zero-tolerance halfway house. We are praying they will be reunited with their children under God's amazing grace, but please pray for the man's mother, who is dying. One of their sons has been calling missionaries for support and consolation as God moves in his life as well.
In the past few months, more people have begun working with the homeless, with shut-ins, and in gang neighborhoods. God has moved in other ways as well, sending several people to hospitals and even to jail to begin His mighty work in their lives. One former homeless man called to say he has remarried and is substance free.
As prayers and ministry have increased, so have the miracles. A woman who has been homeless for more than 15 years just reported going more than two weeks without drinking -- a miracle to all her friends in the woods and one that is making many of them rethink their own issues. Part of the transformation has been a reunion with her brother, who is showing her love and acceptance after 14 years without contact.
One homeless man is preparing to go through alcohol treatment and may go to the Florida treatment center as well. Another woman went several days without drinking and began ministering to others -- setting up donations of ice and finding large waterproof tarps. Several are considering taking classes at Wake Tech to get some job skills. Yet another man who had been in jail is working and saving money before going home.
Several homeless men have begun meeting missionaries on the railroad tracks on Sunday for impromptu "church" services, where missionaries have been provided who speak Spanish! These men are praying to God to help them make a difference in the world for the next generation, partly because they were blessed to have children among those ministering to them in the woods.
In addition to increasing numbers of volunteers, contributions are soaring. A local church wants to donate $500 to CITW, with three-fifth designated for the Apex mission. A local caterer heard about the ministry and offered up some leftover food -- 150 fresh eggs, 4.4 pounds of Swiss cheese, a case of broccoli and a case of lettuce. As a result, more than a dozen families received quiches or eggs and produce. A few days later, the caterer donated 20 pounds of shrimp and other food and hopes to be able to prepare entire meals for the outreach in coming months. Now she says she may just order extra food for her business every week to be given away.
A local church wants to plant a fall garden for a needy community in Apex and has donated backpacks to the children in need in the Apex missions.
Some donations come from unexpected directions. A man who had been blessed with food at a "fire pit" gathering downtown wants to detail a missionary's car for free in thanks. A woman who met Apex missionaries has admitted to being an alcoholic and wants to spend more time with the missionaries because she sees the light of Jesus through them. She wants to donate pasta salad to others.
Please pray for a man who was in a car accident. He broke his hand and has a blood clot in his leg. He is in rehabilitation now. We also need prayer for a woman who has a blocked artery, for three people with diabetes and high blood pressure and for a woman with swollen feet.
We thank God for His glorious work among us and for all of you who support His work in prayer.
June 14, 2009
His healing hand has been all over the Apex Mission.
Violet asked missionaries to lay hands and pray for her granddaughter (age 2)
for her heart condition. At her doctor’s appointment, the procedure he was
planning to schedule has now been postponed. The doctor wants to recheck her in
6 months. Thank You Jesus!!!
Thomas had prostate cancer many years ago and it had been in remission until 3
months ago. The doctor wanted to recheck him in 3 months and then begin
treatments. Thomas asked missionaries to lay hands on him and pray. He again
asked the day prior to his colonoscopy. He came back from his colonoscopy with
his first clean procedure in years. Thank You Jesus. He had gone to his
urologist this week for is PSA results. The test results were so low, the doctor
repeated the test and again they were within the normal range. The doctor told
Thomas he didn't know how to explain it. Thomas responded "those little white
girls who love Jesus so much, laid hands on me and prayed. You could just feel
the healing power of Jesus flowing through my body." God is so faithful and
Ms. Emma has back pain and asked for missionaries to lay hands on her and pray.
She told them that she could feel the power of Jesus grabbing the pain, and
taking it away! We praise You Lord Jesus for Your healing touch.
The Lord is also the ultimate provider for hundreds of people in Western Wake
County. Missionaries are now serving areas not only in Apex, Cary and SE
Raleigh, but in Fuquay and Holly Springs. The Lord has such a heart for the
poor, orphans, foreigners, elderly and widows. Thank You Lord for touching the
hearts of area grocery stores - Food Lion's, Harris Teeter's, Whole Food's, and
Lowes Foods, area churches - too many to list, individuals - too many to list,
other ministries - such as Brown Bag and Helping Hands of Apex, and area
restaurants - Catering By Design and Carrabba's, for modern day gleaning. Lord
you know the needs and You provide abundantly!!! We thank You and praise You
Lord Jesus!
Because of these donations the Western Wake side of the CitW ministry is
virtually cost free for His missionaries. Isn't it just like Jesus, who so
freely gives? Thank You Jesus for Your abundant grace, mercy, and love.
Three years ago, an Indian woman working at a Food Lion asked for prayer that
she get a job at a bank to help feed her family. The next week she got the job
and was praising God. Last week she was laid off from that job after three years
working in it and saw the same missionary at the same Food Lion. His company (a
credit union) is hiring and he is getting her an application to work there.
Isn’t God amazing putting people together?
A woman who has been living homeless for 17 years was blessed last month when
her brother found her and they saw each other for the first time in many years.
Now she is proudly displaying pictures of him, his wife and the niece she
didn’t know she had (now graduating from high school). And her brother is
coming back for another visit next week.
When a homeless Hispanic man was having seizures and fell down, breaking his arm
in two places, another homeless man was there to carry him away from the road
then to call 911 and missionaries to let them know he was on his way to the
hospital. At first, it was believed this man also might have lung cancer. But
after many prayers the lung spot proved to be an old injury. Doctors have told
the man to stop drinking and smoking, and he says he is trying hard to cut down.
The family of another man is coming for a visit from Pennsylvania. It will be
the first time is over 15 years since he has seen his early twenty year old
daughters. He is afraid they will try to get him to return there to take care of
his ailing father. But he is such a great caretaker, this would be a wonderful
way for God to bring about healing and reconciliation to the entire family. We
are praying that happens.
Friday, March 13, 2009
March 7, 09
There were so many God-incidents. One being the group was going to Jordan Oaks Retirement Center afterwards. Jordan Oaks provides over 200 cookies each week for the Brown Bag lunches and one of our Saturday missionaries works there. Another the weather was picture perfect!!!
The youth made over 200 bag lunches for the Apex missions and assisted with the additional 1500 (yes, really a total of 1700+ bags) lunches being prepared that day. Then the youth boarded the bus, traveled to the mission neighborhoods, and went door to door bringing a lunch and the love of Jesus to so many people.
We thank You Jesus for Leah Bowman telling the WPB group about us!!! We had a blast!
We are thanking the Lord for all of you; your hearts, hands, and feet (and vehicles); and your prayers.
sending love and prayers
the boyces
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
December 17, 2008
On Saturday, the Lord provided a truck load of donated food, as well as boxes of food for single moms, close to 100 bag just in Apex and another 250 in Cary given away, all in the name of Jesus. Missionaries had the opportunity to pray with families in need of healing and lambs were blessed with the answer to prayers for food.
Coats and blankets were taken to many a few weeks ago in the Cary, Apex, and Holly Springs missions. Gifts for 20 children were donated, allowing a former homeless lamb to join with purchasing some of these gifts. What a blessing for her! Another family in Christ donated gently used and cleaned toys to be given to the children in need for Christmas and the “3 Kings Day’ celebration. Brothers and sisters in Christ have organized neighborhood collections for winter clothing. Churches have organized food drives to restock the food pantry. Gifts for the homeless have been donated, so many can experience the love of Jesus Christmas Day! Donated food from an area caterer and church allows meals to be taken to those in need, many recovering from surgery or the birth of children, and for the tutoring program that has started again on Saturday mornings. While at a luncheon for leaders who serve in the community, water and snacks was offered from the Red Cross and has been donated to be used by the Brown Bag ministry who donates 800 plus lunch bags each week to so many missionaries, equipping so many with the opportunity to bring the love of Christ door to door, building relationships with each person. These relationships allow the person to experience Jesus’ love.
The Body of Christ is such a blessing! The need has increased, but God is faithful and His provisions have also increased. We serve such an awesome God! Thank You Jesus!
What a blessing to be the hearts, hands and feet of Jesus with so many of you!
May all of you have a blessed Christmas!
Sending love and prayers,
The boyce’s
Sunday, October 26, 2008
October 26, 2008
· The lamb with lung cancer now has oxygen and doing much better.
· The lamb who was paralyzed and returned to Mexico a year ago, is standing unassisted and able to take a few steps with assistance. God is a God of miracles!
· A lamb, who died last year, ashes were scatter this month where the people who loved him can think of him as they overlook the bay.
· A beautiful memorial service was held yesterday for a lamb who died two weeks ago.
· Thank You Jesus for the food you provided this month to feed so many people and families in need.
· Fiesta Day praises: The coat give away went smooth. We had 60 people more or less come to get winter clothes, the majority left grateful. Few kids and grown-ups didn't find what they needed (sizes) that was disappointing to us, but we did our best. We had the mariachi come to sing and he also ministered the word of God. The crowd being mostly non-believers found themselves at odds but little by little they welcomed his message. We prayed the prayer of salvation and most in attendance repeated it with us. God is so good!
· We are thanking the Lord for all the items donated this month. They included food, clothing, blankets, and paper products.
Prayer requests:
· A year ago a man had a stroke leaving him partially blind. He had corrective surgery this week. He is recovering nicely and moving to St. Louis to be closer to his sister. Please keep his recovery and move in prayer.
· A newborn baby was diagnosed this week with Sickle Cell Anemia-hemoglobin C disease. Please keep this family in prayer as they struggle with his diagnosis.
· Keep in prayer a lamb who was severely beaten this week.
· A lamb is asking for prayer as he decides which rehab program to enter. Pray he selects the one the Lord has in mind for him.
· The family, whose mother and fetal sister went to meet Jesus, have arrived safely home from Mexico. Please keep them in pray as they continue with life without their mother, wife, sibling, and friend.
· Continue to keep our son in your prayers. He is improving, less than a dozen episodes of apnea and cyanosis a day compared to 5 an hour. The doctors have no idea why he is having episodes of apnea and cyanosis.
· January 6th there will be a “3 Kings Day” party in Cary for the children at the Apex and Cary missions. Please keep these children in prayer as gifts are collected. A list will be available soon for anyone wanting to purchase gifts for these children.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The snacks donations are so overwhelming that the chewy granola bars, peanut butter crackers, and raisins have been shared with the Brown Bag ministry. Brown Bag, we thank Jesus for you. You prepare over 500 bagged lunches each week!
Another ministry needed snacks for a conference this weekend! Thank You Jesus for Your mighty abundance!
The remaining items with be used with the tutoring program or bagged as groceries for so many families in need! Talk about Manna from Heaven.
As for the

Monday, September 29, 2008
another lamb met Jesus last week
Her husband Steve has been sick for quite some time. He passed away a couple of days ago. We are thanking Jesus, Steve had accepted Jesus as his Savoir early when the mission began in April of 2007.
Interestingly, they live a few homes away from Maria’s family.