Another Amazing Week
"Teach us, good Lord, to serve you as you deserve, to give and not to count the cost, to fight and not to heed the wounds, to toil and not to seek for rest, to labor and not to ask for any reward, save that of knowing that we do your will; through Jesus Christ our Lord." (Prayer of Ignatius Loyola)
What an amazing week it has been! What an amazing God we have!
First, thanks to all who have been praying for our lost lamb with cancer. He had been gone for more than a month without any contact before God restored him to our family this week -- in His perfect timing (more about that in a bit).
One lamb who recently quit his job and returned to drinking ended up in the hospital, where he was told in no uncertain terms to give up alcohol. He was unable to get into a treatment program (which has been unsuccessful for him in many previous visit) so please pray he will find the strength in Jesus to finally defeat this addiction. He has given his Alcoholics Anonymous chip to a missionary's son for a school project and vows he will earn another one!
Please pray for the lambs in West Virginia. The man, you may recall, left Raleigh after having a heart attack and now his wife has had a mild heart attack but appears to be all right. They may be coming back for a visit soon.
A lamb who commutes to work by bicycle was hit by a car this week. He suffered only minor injuries, although the bike was damaged. But praise God, he went to a missionary's home for prayer instead of spending the day drinking to calm his nerves. This lamb also recently earned a raise at his job.
Donated food continues to come in abundance, thanks to an area caterer and churches.
Now, back to the amazing Thursday night.
On Easter Sunday, someone from an area church had volunteered to take the lamb with cancer to church. They were unable to make the connection and the lamb, learning his cancer was out of remission, soon left Raleigh without telling anyone.
The man confided in missionaries that he was very concerned about the lost lamb. A few weeks later, the man agreed to be in a play at a local church. The play, a Christian version of "Oliver Twist," focuses on values like forgiveness and unconditional love. The man asked the missionary to bring any homeless who were willing to come to the play.
Thursday evening, as a missionary went to pick people up for the play, the lost lamb was sitting on the sidewalk waiting. He said he had been criss-crossing he country, trying to get treatment for his cancer and connecting with friends and family to let them know he was dying. He said he was in Tacoma, Wash., when his heart told him to come home. "For once, I listened to my heart instead of my head, so here I am," he said.
This lamb joined seven others who were blessed to see the play, a family event put on mainly by children. The lambs had such a wonderful time! Between scenes, one lamb whispered to a Hispanic brother, "I know you don't understand all the words, but listen. They are saying some very important things."
Another lamb who has been struggling to give himself to Jesus started singing along with the children -- singing songs none of the rest of us had ever heard! It turns out he was once in the same play as a youth and was so touched to hear the same messages again! Praise God!
The message of forgiveness hit home, but even more amazing was a song that said, ""Once you're in the light, you can't go back to darkness anymore." The lamb with cancer responded to that line with a resounding "AMEN."
Backstage, the lamb and the man in the play were reunited, sharing hugs and stories. The lamb is so excited to back among his Christian friends!
One more Thursday night blessing: A Hispanic man said someone had threatened his life. He was very frightened. A homeless couple who just moved into an apartment last week opened their new home to him and to the lamb with cancer!
God bless all of you!We truly serve an awesome God.
Al & Cindy Boyce
Church in the Woods