Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
February 23, 2007
We are thanking you for your prayers and support as the Lord continues to provide abundantly for this ministry! More and more people are being drawn into communion with one another through the homeless and so many blessings are being shared!
Community Awareness
- The 10th Annual Homeless Conference is scheduled for April 10-11 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC. Sessions will include HUD, Housing Finance Agency, the Key Program, the SOAR initiative, Re-Entry Initiatives, Community Voice Mail, Carolina Homeless Information Network and the Housing First initiative. Martha Are, Homeless Policy Specialist, 919-733-4534
- The NC Coalition to End Homelessness will host a dessert reception to kick off the conference on Monday, April 9, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM at Vintage 21, 209 Oberlin Road, Raleigh (Suggested donation at the door.) Martha Are, Homeless Policy Specialist, 919-733-4534
- Legislative AfternoonWednesday, April 11, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PMThe NC Coalition to End Homelessness (NCCEH) will host an afternoon at theState Legislature. Assistance is also available in scheduling your meetings. Martha Are, Homeless Policy Specialist, 919-733-4534
- Missionaries have been approached by an area newspaper reporter. The reporter would like to shadow some lost lambs for a few days and write the story from this perspective.
- Missionaries have been asked to be interviewed for an area high school social concern project.
- Missionaries have been asked how to begin a similar mission in Texas.
- Medical mobile mission, Thursday, March 29, 2007 at With Love From Jesus from 6:30 until. The team is always in need of doctors, dentists and hygienists. There is an attending physician with the needed liability insurance. Contact Alice McGee at 772-7050, if you are interested in serving.
Prayer and Praise!
- A former area lamb called with a prayer request. Their granddaughter was born this week and is in neo-ICU with complications. Please keep the family in prayers, especially baby Cheyenne.
- Two months ago a lamb was attacked, called EMS because her arm might be broken. She came to the medical mission last night and was told it was a compound fracture. She is scheduled to see the doctor today to receive needed paperwork to get an x-ray. Corrective surgery may be needed, instead of re-breaking it.
- The lamb who received antibiotics last week, face is much improved. He is to stay on antibiotics for an additional two weeks and then be rechecked. Surgery may be required to remove the possible cyst.
- A lamb had been sober for almost two months. He returned home late from an area shelter, losing his job. He began to drink this week.
- An area lamb gave his family in Mexico missionaries’ address. He is awaiting photographs from his family.
- Please keep a lamb couple in your prayers. They are at risk of losing their home. Please pray for the man to take a job opportunity given him.
- A lamb is doing well with his job. Old feelings of unworthiness are creeping into his mind. Pray that he is reminded he is a child of God. Please pray for a group of men to open their hearts and welcome him into the Body of Christ.
- A lamb is working in Cary and looking for affordable housing, under $400 per month, and will allow his dog.
- Last week the Lord answered your prayers for jobs for two lambs. They both have possible jobs in the Apex area. Please pray for affordable housing within walking distances to their jobs.
- An area lamb is feeling more isolated since his move into an apartment a few months ago. He has decided not to attend church in Apex. Please pray for a church near him to open their doors and build a support circle around him bringing him into the arms of the Body of Christ.
- Keep a lamb in prayer who felt isolated from his friends when he moved into a farm house in Holly Springs. He has moved back to the woods to be near his friends.
- Another lamb is looking for affordable housing.
- Please continue to pray for the much needed transitional home in the Cary/Apex area.
- Please continue to pray for support circles as these lambs readjust to society and are welcomed into the Body of Christ.
- Praise God for the continual healing of the lamb with an infected arm.
- Praise God for Papa John giving away pizzas in the downtown area yesterday and today for those in need.
- Praise God for the existing support circle as the Body of Christ encircles a lamb with the love of Jesus!
- Praise God for the scholarship for one lamb to attend a men’s retreat next month. Please keep another lamb in your prayers as he prays whether he should go.
- Please continue to keep the director of Church in the Woods’s directors premature twin grandsons in your prayers. Praise God that their father was able to return home this week from Iraq.
Missionary Testimonials
The mission continued its study of Acts. The discussion was the receiving of the Holy Spirit and churches today.
Fishing Trip!
The next trip will be March 10th leaving Hope Chapel at 1:00. The team will be collecting bug spray, sunscreen, lip balm, poison ivy creams, first aid items, and white socks. We will be leaving Hope Chapel at 1:00. Please contact Alice Ligon at appraisalnet@nc.rr.com or Al Boyce at aboyce@nc.rr.com for more information.
TWO New Area White Flag Shelters!
- A second White Flag shelter is opening in Garner. Volunteers and supplies are needed! Contact Carlene at Clucas01@msn.com or 779-3654 for more information.
- An area Cary/Western Raleigh church is opening their facility as a homeless shelter on “White Flag Nights”. Volunteers are needed! The volunteers will be asked to:
Drive the church vans in the morning or evenings
Set-up and do the linen laundry, or spend the night.
Prepare meals
The church would provide the showers, laundry services and meals for the Lord’s lost lambs. Please keep this in prayer as laundry detergent and toiletry items are needed, as well as, the hands and hearts. Please contact Stephanie at 274-8120 or snarron@worshipfacilities.com, if you are interested in serving.
God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
- An area church called and wants to meet with missionaries to donate $500 of food. Please pray for a much needed storage unit.
- Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner church. Also thank the Lord for the White Flag shelter church in Cary.
- Thank you Lord for the nurses and doctor who treated so many lambs last night. An area high school student also came to assist with the medical mission team. An area acupuncturist again donated time this week as she continues to treat the Lord’s lambs for substance abuse and other treatments!
- Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, Kairos prison team, caterers, and individuals! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, camping equipment, blankets, candles, and toiletries donated this week.
- We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles.
Sunday, February 18, 2007
February 18, 2007

Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
- Medical mobile mission, Thursday, February 22, 2007 at With Love From Jesus from 6:30 until. The team is always in need of doctors, dentists and hygienists. There is an attending physician with the needed liability insurance. Contact Alice McGee at 772-7050, if you are interested in serving.
- A missionary has been asked to speak to a group at an area Cary church on Homelessness in Wake County.
- The 10th Annual Homeless Conference is scheduled for April 10-11 at the McKimmon Center in Raleigh, NC. Sessions will include HUD, Housing Finance Agency, the Key Program, the SOAR initiative, Re-Entry Initiatives, Community Voice Mail, Carolina Homeless Information Network and the Housing First initiative.
The NC Coalition to End Homelessness will host a dessert reception to kick off the conference on Monday, April 9, 7:00 PM – 9:30 PM at Vintage 21, 209 Oberlin Road, Raleigh (Suggested donation at the door.)Legislative AfternoonWednesday, April 11, 2:00 PM - 5:00 PMThe NC Coalition to End Homelessness (NCCEH) will host an afternoon at theState Legislature. Assistance is also available in scheduling your meetings.For more information, feel free to contact, Martha Are, Homeless Policy Specialist, 919-733-4534
- Over a year ago a lost lamb gave his life to Christ. Shortly afterwards he was hospitalized for several months with kidney failure due to substance abuse. After a year of being substance free he accepted the offer to rededicate his life to Christ.
- The Thursday night mission was blessed with a mime skit on giving one’s heart to Christ.
- One of the lambs who is blind had a successful eye surgery on one eye. She is able to see objects depending on the light. She is anxiously waiting for the second eye to be corrected. Praise God!
- Student photojournalists are having a tough time having organizations return calls. These students want to spread the word of how people are helping the poor in the Triangle. Pray that they find people are not so overwhelmed with their jobs they can no longer return calls.
- Two former lambs are now giving back to the homeless community by serving as chaperones at a white flag shelter in Cary. Praise God!
- Please keep a lamb couple in your prayers as they are looking for work and an apartment. Praise God, they have been substances free for over a month!!!
Fishing Trip!
- The next trip will be March 10th leaving Hope Chapel at 1:00. The team wills be collecting bug spray, sunscreen, lip balm, poison ivy creams, first aid items, and white socks. We will be leaving Hope Chapel at 1:00. Please contact Alice Ligon at appraisalnet@nc.rr.com or Al Boyce at aboyce@nc.rr.com for more information.

TWO New Area White Flag Shelters!
- A second White Flag shelter is opening in Garner. Volunteers and supplies are needed! Contact Carlene at Clucas01@msn.com or 779-3654 for more information.
- An area Cary/Western Raleigh church is opening their facility as a homeless shelter on “White Flag Nights”. Volunteers are needed! The volunteers will be asked to:
Drive the church vans in the morning or evenings
Set-up and do the linen laundry, or spend the night.
Prepare mealsThe church would provide the showers, laundry services and meals for the Lord’s lost lambs.
Please keep this in prayer as laundry detergent and toiletry items are needed, as well as, the hands and hearts. Please contact Stephanie at 274-8120 or snarron@worshipfacilities.com, if you are interested in serving.
Missionary Testimonials
- One missionary asked the Lord to give him direction on how he was to serve. The missionary received a phone call that evening asking for assistance with picking up items for the fishing trip! God answers prayers quickly. Praise God for obedience.
- A non-Christian has been tagging along with a missionary as she delivers food to area camps from an area caterer. The friend asked to go to the woods Saturday. She was able to take him to several camps and meet several of the Lord’s lambs bringing them donated sweatshirts. Praise God! Please keep this friend in your prayers as he is witnessing the love of Jesus!
- One of the fishing teams went to the South Pointe area to give the love of Jesus and an invitation to the Cary shelter on these cold evenings. The tents were found, but no lambs. The team went looking for the lambs and found them. The team was blessed when they were able to pray with the lamb and tell him of Jesus’ love for him. Praise God!
God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
- The Wednesday food pick-up team was praying for soup and baked potatoes for the white flag shelter. The area caterer didn’t have any. Missionaries received a call from an area church. They had leftovers from their Valentine Dinner, leftover baked potatoes, homemade chicken noodle soup, rolls, and individual chocolate cream pies. The missionaries were able to deliver the food still warm to the white flag shelter. Praise God!!!!
- Missionaries met with an area pastor this week. The pastor suggested missionaries talk on camera about serving the Lord through missions. He wants several missionaries whose lives have been changed by reaching out to the Lord’s lost. He is asking for prayer for a transitional house to serve the lambs in the Cary/Apex area. His church also has a support circle for one of the several lambs who have been baptized at the area church. He wants to talk with others to develop support circles for the others who have been baptized in the church. He also told missionaries several doctors have approached him wanting to serve the Lord’s lambs. Thank you Jesus!
- An area acupuncturist again donated time this week as she continues to treat the Lord’s lambs for substance abuse!
- A man approached missionaries telling them about a camp in the Morrisville/Cary area off Davis Dr. Please keep this camp in your prayers. Please pray that this camp can be found and the love and light of Jesus can be brought to these lambs.
- Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, and caterers!
- One lamb who was suffering from an infected hand and another suffering from a staph infection on his face were seen by a doctor and are doing well after receiving antibiotics! The doctor made a camp visit to see one man whose hand was severely infected.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
February 12, 2007
Community Awareness
- There was an article in the NY times concerning feed the homeless outdoors this week. It can be read at http://www.nytimes.com/2007/02/06/us/06homeless.html?_r=1&oref=slogin
- A photojournalist from UNC-Chapel Hill has been busy tagging along with missionaries at outreaches and the White Flag shelter. She has brought her camera this week. Her photo essay will focus on the life of missionaries and their extended family.
- Missionaries were recognized by the Wake County Commissioners this week as well as the Raleigh City Council for assistance with The Ten Year Plan for Ending Homelessness through Catholic Charities Faith Based Support Circles.
- There will be a Migrant Ministry meeting at the Raleigh Rescue Mission Monday Feb 12th, 7 PM in Rick Fitzgerald's office. Migrant Ministry Meeting will discuss issues such as struggling with the winter and no employment while putting together bags for them. Contact Alice McGee for more information at 772-7050
Prayer and Praise!
- The area company that donated the batteries has been blessed by having a record sales month for the history of company. Praise God!
- A lamb began working for the first time in over 15 years with a company that provides benefits.
- A lamb had successful eye surgery this week.
- An apartment was completely furnished and pantry stocked by donations in less than one week.
- Those attending the fishing trip yesterday were blessed with 3 new camps and donated sleeping bags, propane stoves, tents, tarps, socks, food, V8 juice, bottled water, gallons of water, clothing, toiletry items, candles… Missionaries were in awe of the Lord’s provision as well as the great number of harvest hands from several area churches and businesses.
- A missionary had a God-incidental meeting this week when she met with a social worker from NAMI. This new connection wants to volunteer with CitW through the Moore Square outreach as well as provide information for those with mental illness.
- While at a healing conference information was gathered for a program for those with addictions. The church also offered to consult when the program begins with the CitW lambs.
- A neighbor's brother died suddenly this week. In this time of grief she donated the abundance of food to CitW from his funeral. Please keep her in your prayers as she and the families go through this time of loss.
- One of the area lamb needs to be seen by a physician for an infected hands from a burn.
- Two other lambs needs to be seen by a physician for an infections; one his face and the other on her eye.
- Please pray for a dentist and an ophthalmologist who wants to donate time.
- Please also keep the Garner church in your prayers as they continue with the Saturday showers and meal.
Fishing Trip!
- The next fishing trip is March 10th. The group will be meeting in the Hope Chapel parking lot in Apex at 1:00. Please contact Alice Ligon at appraisalnet@nc.rr.com or Al Boyce at aboyce@nc.rr.com for more information.
New Area White Flag Shelter!
- An area church is opening their facility as a homeless shelter on “White Flag Nights”. Volunteers are needed! The volunteers will be asked to:
Drive the church vans in the morning or evenings
Set-up and do the linen laundry, or spend the night.
Prepare meals
The church would provide the showers, laundry services and meals for the Lord’s lost lambs. - There will be two orientations this week. The first one is Monday 2/12 at 6 PM at Hope Community. The second will be 2/14 at 6 PM at Hope Community. Contact Stephanie Narron at 274-8120 or snarron@worshipfacilities.com for more information.
Friday, February 02, 2007
February 2, 2007
The two lambs who moved into an apartment have seen it completely furnished in record time! Another couple had their prayers answered when their Food Stamp allotment was more than tripled! Another lamb quit his job wanting one with benefits. The Lord answered the following day. Still another lamb was approached by someone at an AA meeting telling him to give the lamb a cell phone with minutes and he obeyed. Another lamb went to find out information to obtain his driver’s license. He plans to get it next week. Now he is praying for a car.
Another huge praise is the decision by an area church to open its doors to the homeless every night the temperatures fall below freezing! This is a huge undertaking (temperatures could be that cold every day this week). They will have room for up to 60 people to sleep on donated sofa-beds and they are planning on providing transportation, meals, showers and a place to do laundry!
All of this will require willing hands and hearts, as we want them to remember experiencing the love of Jesus long after they have forgotten the beds and meals. Already many towels, sheets and pillows have been donated for the White Flag shelter.
Areas of need:
5 Drivers-pick up (pm) and return (am) ( would like 2 volunteers per car so one can make conversation while the other drives)
5 Hospitality/Check-In (Greet people, show them around, check them in)
5 Food volunteers (dinner) (Preparing food/beverage at home and bringing to the church -- also help to serve)
3 Food volunteers (breakfast) (Preparation at home and bring to the church in the a.m.)
4 Evening Set-Up (Preparing beds, bathroom, laundry area)
4 Morning Clean-Up( Stripping linens, general straightening to get the room "back to the way it was found")
1 Security Person (handles all security issues, makes sure the church is locked-down, areas stay clear, etc.)
5 Sleepover (Men, since our friends are men, to stay overnight) **these folks are the last to arrive and first to leave!!
Donated items needed are toiletries, including razors, and laundry detergent
Contact Stephanie Narron at 274-8120 or snarron@worshipfacilities.com for more information.
Prayer Requests: Please pray for the increasing numbers of lambs who are being freed from their addictions. We also ask for your prayers for a couple in Fuquay-Varina. She is worried about a lump in her breast and an abnormal pap test and her husband is facing possible jail time after being arrested for drunken driving and other vehicle charges. Also pray for those who are seeking jobs.
Reminders: On Feb. 10, we will be bringing camping supplies including tarps, tents, sleeping bags, small bottles of propane, flashlights, camping stoves and lanterns to homeless camps. Groups will meet at 1:30 p.m. at 1616 Evans Rd. in Cary. Contact Stephanie Narron at 274-8120 or snarron@worshipfacilities.com for more information.
On Monday, Feb. 12 from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. there will be a workshop on support circles focusing on budgeting for families. The workshop will be at Triangle Family Services, 401 Hillsborough St., Raleigh. Please respond by Friday, Feb. 9, to Roberta Macauley at Roberta.macauley@raldioc.org if you would like to come.
Acorn Tax Service is offering free income tax assistance to single people earning less than $40,000 a year and married people making less than $50,000 a year. The company is also looking at transporting those in need to their office and back home. Anyone interested may contact Ray Bordt at 919-612-1320.