Sunday, April 15, 2007

April 15, 2007

We are thanking you for your prayers and support as the Lord continues to provide abundantly for this ministry! More and more people are being drawn into communion with one another through the homeless and so many blessings are being shared!

Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
· A new mission has begun every Sunday from 4:30-7 PM, parking at 5017 Thriftwood Dr., Apex. For more information contact Cindy Boyce at 387-0921, or Cuba Suarez at 387-7480.
· Medical mobile mission, Thursday, April 26, 2007 at With Love From Jesus from 6:30 until. The team is always in need of doctors, dentists and hygienists. There is an attending physician with the needed liability insurance. Contact Alice McGee at 772-7050, if you are interested in serving.
· Just a click and they donate feminine supplies to local homeless shelters

Prayer and Praise!
· What a turnout Thursday night! More than 20 Lambs were treated to the movie “The Gospel According to John” two weeks ago. This week, a big turnout discussed Acts 6 and the way believers, filled with the Holy Spirit, were able to see that widows were cared for properly – something the Jews in Greece had been unable to do. There was more discussion about those who told lies about Stephen in an effort to stifle the faith-filled testimony that threatened their comfortable ideas.
· Praise God for a lamb who is becoming more comfortable with one of the missionaries. This missionary is visiting her in her camp, bringing God’s word and humanitarian aide a couple of times a week. Please keep her in your prayers. Thank You Jesus!
· The Apex mission started last week with praise music, prayer walking, humanitarian aide, prayers and crosses for each lamb. Praise God for the missionaries and the love of Jesus!
· Please continue to pray for the lamb with the broken wrist (since December). At her follow-up appointment she is receiving her referral for surgery. Thank you Jesus for the new missionaries (one visiting from Florida) who took her to her doctor’s appointment.
· Thank you Jesus for the CAP Chaplain and friend from Florida who served the CitW ministry the week of Easter. They were able to pray with lambs for healing. They were able to deliver humanitarian aide and the love of Jesus!
· Pray for a lamb who is trying to be substance free and keep his job.
· Please continue to pray for a lamb who needs to see a doctor. She has found a lump in her breast. She also has had many abnormal PAP’s but hasn’t seen a doctor for any follow-ups. She has a family history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. She has made her appointment to receive a referral.
· The first day of the Apex mission missionaries prayed with a man with diabetes. He had one toe amputated and was preparing to have the opposite leg amputated below the knee. When missionaries returned this week, this lamb without hesitation wanted prayer this week. His praise of the week was HE NO LONGER NEEDS SURGERY!!!! Praise God!
· At the first Apex mission, a young girl asked for new shoes in the prayer circle. The shoes she had were too small and had her big toes sticking out of the top. Missionaries also prayed for new shoes. A missionary received two pairs of shoes for this little lamb this week. When she was given the shoes today, she told her parents and brother, “I prayed for these and Jesus gave them to me!” Praise God!
· Continue to pray for the new mission in Apex. The lambs were surprised to meet people of their word, returning again this week. The lambs are still leery of the missionaries in the area. The children are so welcoming!
· Pray for a lamb who is pregnant and thrown out of the room she was renting.
· Continue to pray for a lamb who battles crack addiction every time he receives a paycheck. God blessed him with probation for his most recent drug charge, but he has betrayed so many friends and supporters. Pray for God’s powerful healing touch on him, even if brothers and sisters in Christ Hand this man over to satan, so that the sinful nature may be destroyed and his spirit saved on the day of the Lord. - 1 Corinthians. 5:5
· Praise God for helping one lamb avoid jail even as his uncle was arrested for violating parole. The uncle is now on probation again, but both he and his nephew have been an answer to prayer for a man who needs their help in his business.
· Praise God for the four Cary lambs attending a church for two weeks in a row!
· Thank you for your prayers that a lamb has been able to use the Lord’s check for things that glorify him. Please keep a lamb in prayer. She has been substance free and has a job. She is asking for prayer when she receives the Lord’s paycheck, she uses it to glorify Him and not return to her old habits.
· Please pray for a lamb couple whose home is being condemned. The date has been moved to the end of April.
· A lamb who loves animals received a dog that gave birth to a litter of puppies. Puppies will be available in 3-4 weeks. The puppies will be neutered prior to being given away. Please pray for this lamb as two of the puppies died last week.
· Praise you Lord for the young lambs who are getting married, bringing unity and stability to their family and children.
· Thank you Jesus for the lambs who have committed to pray for a team of missionaries as they go into Women’s Prison for 4 days this week. And thank you Jesus for the lambs who signed the AGAPE poster for this weekend. Please pray for 100% of the prison residents to come to accept Jesus as their Savior and for the guards and staff as well. Pray for continual discipleship for these residents after the 4-day weekend is complete.
· Thank you Jesus for a lamb who is continuing to be substance free and involved with a support group through AA.
· A former lamb has been depressed and considered drinking again after 18 months of sobriety. Missionary not knowing had sent him an Easter card. What perfect timing! The lamb called to talk with the missionary and thank her for reminding him of Jesus’ love.
· Please continue to pray for support circles as these lambs readjust to society and are welcomed into the Body of Christ.
· Praise God for the existing support circle as the Body of Christ encircles a lamb with the love of Jesus!
· Thank you Lord for being scheduler of all Christians time.
· Please pray for a lamb who went to the hospital for abdominal pain, which may be associated with heavy drinking.
· Please pray for a lamb who was close to getting out of the woods but became frustrated with the system, bought drugs and is now in jail awaiting a court hearing April 24th.

Missionary Testimonials
· Missionaries were blessed this weekend with cookies! A missionary needs cookies for a prison ministry. The church in Garner that hosts the showers made cookies for the meal Saturday evening and had leftovers. The cookies weren’t the type needed but a dialogue began, the women of the church plan to bake some of the needed cookies for the prison. Praise God!!!!
· A new lamb has been befriended by a missionary. This week she was able to take a shower for the first time in quite a while and wash her laundry. After she was “squeaky clean” and her laundry clean, she initiated a hug! Praise God!!!!

Fishing Trip!
· Missionaries from Hope Community Church purchased new bicycles for the Lord’s lambs, others donated working used bicycles. All were blessed. It was so amazing to see the lambs speeding back and forth in an abandoned parking lot, laughing like little children! One lamb had just applied for a job four miles from his camp and had told his boss he couldn’t walk there. Now he just needs a backpack for his clothes! Praise God!
· The May 12th fishing trip is “Tidy Whitey”. CitW will be collecting new underwear, white socks, and t-shirts. Alice Ligon is the contact, .

God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
· Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner church. Today the youth director asked missionaries how the youth could serve. Thank You Jesus for serving hearts!
· Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, individuals, and caterers! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, blankets, and toiletries donated this week.
· Thank you for the North Raleigh neighborhood women’s group who has collected money and purchased underwear and socks.
· Thank You Jesus for the acupuncturist who donates her time.
· Thank You Jesus for the nurses who donated their time Thursday evening and for Dr. Hartye.
· We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles.
· Thank you Jesus for all of you who keep this ministry covered in prayer.
· Thank you Jesus for HMI feeding the lambs who attend church April 22nd