Friday, June 01, 2007

June 1 2007

We are thanking you for your prayers and support as the Lord continues to provide abundantly for this ministry! More and more people are being drawn into communion with one another through the homeless and so many blessings are being shared!

Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
· A new mission has begun every Sunday from 4:30-7 PM, parking at 5017 Thriftwood Dr., Apex. For more information contact Cindy Boyce at 387-0921,
· Forming Faith Community Support Circles? You are invited to participate in a community wide information session that will provide you information about how to form new Support Circles. Presenters will include providers from various homeless service agencies skilled in working with families who are homeless. It is being held June 16th from 9 AM – noon at First Baptist Church, 99 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27603 (Continental breakfast will be provided). For additional questions about the session, please contact Roberta Macauley at or 790-8533 ext. 32. Please submit your registration information by June 11th.
· Join the word in preparing for the GLOBAL DAY OF PRAYER! We have begun 10 days of constant prayer: May 17 – 26, following the pattern of Christ’s followers before the first Pentecost. On Pentecost Sunday, Christians in almost every country will assemble to pray. Then we will seek 90 days of blessing: May 28 - August 25. As in the first Pentecost, transformed Christians transform their communities as they offer themselves to God as instruments through which their prayers can be answered. For more information including a guide to praying, visit

Prayer and Praise!
· The last day of the Global day of prayer the Lord’s blessing began to pour upon CitW. Storage was found for all the items stored in WLFJ, Hope Chapel is paying for half of a storage unit, a missionary had empty space in a couple of outbuildings, the freezers and refrigerator were placed in missionaries homes, garages, and porches. No sooner were freezers plugged in, the Lord was filling them with food donated leftover from a Latino festival and catered weddings. The Brown Bag ministry donated 40 bag lunches for the Apex mission and 80 pounds of bananas. While picking up the food from the Brown Bag ministry, a man approached a missionary giving her his card. He helps those in need write resumes and teaches them to interview for jobs. Thank you Lord for being the ultimate provider.
· With the Lord’s perfect timing, a couple of the bagged lunches arrived as lambs who were assisting with the move came to missionaries’ home without having eaten that day. God is so awesome!
· Please keep the director of CitW, Alice McGee, in your prayers as she is in Africa for a mission trip, May 24th returning June 17th.

· Some of the missionaries walked the neighborhood, while others manned the table under the trees. Those walking the neighborhood knocked on doors bringing them a bagged lunch, an invitation to the mission, and the offer of prayer. Some took the lunches and smiled with the invitation, but no one refused prayer.
· The meal provided from the cater was sole with a shrimp stuffing in a cream sauce. The pasta was also in a cream sauce with roasted peppers and mushrooms. Salad and bread was provided with bananas and fresh fruit. The Lord provided a feast for Pentecost. So many of the lambs asked how much it cost and couldn’t believe it was free.
· Please keep one lamb in your prayers. He is a new Christian and asked for prayers for discipleship. He wants to follow Jesus but it is difficult to change old ways and put on His new wineskin.
· The lamb who had back surgery was walking around Sunday. The doctors couldn’t believe how well he is doing after only one week. He asked missionaries what the “catch” was with the free food. He was told it is freely given to be freely given away. Did you have to start attending the CitW church? He was surprised to find that the missionaries all attended different churches, but were all brothers and sisters of the Body of Christ.
· We are thanking the Lord for your prayers for the diabetic lamb. He made chicken salad for the lambs of his community Sunday. His health is improving each week and his spirits are high. He feels closer to the Lord than he has in years. Praise God!
· Please keep a family from the mission in your prayers. The sole bread winner just came home from the hospital. The family asked for a wheelchair and one has been donated to be delivered Sunday. Praise God! We serve such an awesome God!
· Pray for a lamb whose friend is going through a challenge with his health, family, and income. May the prayers for this friend bring the lamb to the Lord.
· Please keep a lamb in your prayers as she is “figuring out religion”. She came to the mission encouraging neighbors to come as well.
· Please keep a lamb in prayer for restoration of his family.
· Thank you Jesus for Your Almighty provisions twice a week.

· We are thanking the Lord for your prayers. Three of the Cary lambs are working this week. Two attended a men’s Bible Study.
· Please keep a lamb in prayer. He called missionaries asking for help this week. He is in the Wake County Alcohol Treatment Center. Praise God!!!!
· Please keep a lamb in your prayers. He attempted suicide this week. A missionary went to visit him and shared a past of her testimony not knowing he had a similar experience as a child. Thank you for the Holy Spirit’s prompting and obedience of the missionary. The Lord has also provided him a bus ticket to go home to Richmond today. Thank you Jesus!!!
· Please pray for two married lambs who are facing many crises: loss of one’s job, possible jail time, disruptive and dysfunctional family members, and continuing struggles with substance addictions. They need God’s covering and leading to choose His new wineskin. The Lord has given these lambs committed mentors this week. Pray for the mentors as they lean on the Lord for wisdom, understanding, strength, and guidance. These lambs have moved from their apartment, receiving their deposit back and a letter of reference for their next apartment. Praise God!!!
· We are thanking the Lord for your prayers. An area store is donating food the day the caterer is unable to supply food. Please keep the lambs in your prayers who have been fed, physically and spiritually, on this day, especially one elderly lamb. Please thank Jesus for His Almighty faithful provisions.
· Please keep the missionaries in prayer as they deliver physical and spiritual manna 4 times a week. Thank you Jesus for Your mighty hands in this world!

· On Thursday, the Bible study moved back into the parking lot. A cater prepared food this week. She set the table with a tablecloth and provisions to keep the food hot. She plans to prepare food the last Thursday of each month. Thank you Jesus!!! She also has many paper products to donate from her restaurant business which recently closed. Please keep her in your prayers as she now serves God’s kingdom with her culinary gifts.
· We are thanking the Lord for the faithfulness of the mobile medical team. They attended with few lambs wanting medical attention.
· Missionaries had asked the Lord for a lamb’s brother’s phone number. The brother called this week wanting to get in touch with his brother to bring him home for Father’s Day. His father is elderly and he wanted the family together before any more time passes. The brother was given the missionaries’ number two years ago. Praise God for answered prayers.
· With the leaving of this lamb to WI, another lamb is left alone. Within the past few months, his brother moved to PA, one of his two dogs was stolen and now his best friend is going home, although only for a few weeks. Please keep him in your prayers that he turn to Jesus instead of other coping mechanisms.
· One of the first lambs who came to the Garner mission three years ago visited last night. What a blessing to see him and catch-up. He is looking after another lamb who is suffering from pancreatitis. Please keep both lambs in your prayers.
· What a blessing to have so many lambs assist with the move of the CitW items in storage! We are thanking Jesus for their assistance. Many of these lambs also assist with the move the married couple this week. God is the provider of so many hearts and hands.
· Please keep another lamb in prayer as he tries to get money to go back to his home in Arkansas. He needs about $160. He owns some land there and hopes to get away from the temptations of homeless living in Garner. This lamb has such a wide knowledge of the Bible and did all of the reading Thursday night, plus quoted other scriptures to back up Acts 8.
· Please pray for another lamb who is looking for work in the Garner area. She is taking the summer off from nursing classes at Wake Tech and would like to save some money for the fall.
· Please continue to pray for the lamb with the broken wrist (since December). The doctor has given missionaries the protocol for her wrist surgery. Please pray she will now take the necessary steps for surgery. Also pray for the Ultimate Physician to heal her wrist. Several people have laid hands on it for healing.
· Thank you God for answering prayers and removing much of the anger and dissention that was present the previous week.
· Please pray for a lamb who is in jail. Please ask that the Lord speak with Him and remind him that he is loved.
· Thank you Jesus for Your Almighty provisions three times per week.
· Please pray for a place for the Garner Thursday mission to meet out of the weather, maybe a church on South Saunders St, 401 or Wilmington St will open their doors one night a week. The Lord knows the perfect meeting location.
· Please pray for a hair stylist to serve the Lord one Saturday a month at the Garner showers.

· Please keep lambs in prayer as they are asked to make decisions of walking away from their addictions and walking toward Jesus.
· Thank you Jesus for a lamb who is continuing to be substance free and involved with a support group through AA.
· Please continue to pray for support circles as these lambs readjust to society and are welcomed into the Body of Christ.
· Praise God for the existing support circle as the Body of Christ encircles a lamb with the love of Jesus!
· Thank you Lord for being scheduler of all Christians time.

Missionary Testimonials
· The Lord is continuing to work through relationships! A couple who adopted a lamb couple has found that with him working for their business, they have more work than ever before. The lamb is constantly pressing for more opportunities and is making his sponsor think twice about his own commitments and priorities.

God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
· Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner church Thank You Jesus for serving hearts!
· Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, individuals, and caterers! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, storage places, and toiletries donated this week.
· Thank You Jesus for the acupuncturist who donates her time.
· Thank You Jesus for the nurses who donated their time the last night and for Dr. Hartye.
· We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles, especially as new ones are developing across Cary and Apex. Praise God!


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