Friday, June 08, 2007

We are thanking you for your prayers and support as the Lord continues to provide abundantly for this ministry! More and more people are being drawn into communion with one another through the least of these, whether homeless, poverty stricken, prostitutes, drug dealers, or gang members, and so many blessings are being shared!

Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
· A new mission has begun every Sunday from 4:30-7 PM, parking at 5017 Thriftwood Dr., Apex. For more information contact Cindy Boyce at 387-0921,
· Forming Faith Community Support Circles to Address Homelessness in Wake County. You are invited to participate in a community wide information session that will provide you information about how to form new Support Circles. Presenters will include providers from various homeless service agencies skilled in working with families who are homeless. The date is Saturday, June 16, 2007 from 9:00 am - 12:00 noon at First Baptist Church, 99 N. Salisbury Street, Raleigh, NC 27603. For additional questions about the session, please contact Roberta Macauley at <> or 790-8533 ext. 32. Please submit your registration information by June 11th
· Harvest 07 Coming to Triangle/Raleigh-Durham Area - A group of 175 churches in the Triangle area has invited evangelist Greg Laurie and the Harvest team to Raleigh for Harvest 07, June 22-24 at the RBC Center. Harvest Crusades events present the Good News of Jesus Christ in a uniquely modern way featuring Greg Laurie's relevant Bible teaching and contemporary Christian music.

Prayer and Praise!
· The Lord equipped the mission with 97 brown bags lunches with an additional 20 sandwiches to be given away Sunday evening from the Brown Bag ministry, enabling missionaries to deliver bag lunches in the rain. About half of the people in the trailer park were able to receive a gift from Jesus! What a blessing to be able to drive from home to home offering the physical to open the door for His spiritual manna!
· Two of the former Garner lambs came with missionaries to deliver the bagged lunches. What a blessing to watch how being the Lord’s hands can change one’s life!
· What a gift to witness the family’s face when a wheelchair was taken from a car trunk and delivered to their home Sunday evening. The family was reminded to thank Jesus for being the provider of all things.
· Pray for a lamb whose friend is going through a challenge with his health, family, and income. May the prayers for this friend bring the lamb to the Lord? This lamb is also now asking for prayers wanting to know more about Jesus. Thank you Lord!!!!
· Please keep a lamb in your prayers as she is “figuring out religion”. She came to the mission encouraging neighbors to come as well.
· Please keep a lamb in prayer for restoration of his family.
· The Lord provided a trunk load of food Wednesday to be given away in the Apex mission. The language is no a barrier as smiles of appreciation with the words “Gracias Jesús”
· Thank you Jesus for Your Almighty provisions twice a week.
· Please keep a lamb in prayer as he was paid yesterday. Have the Lord touch his mind more than his addiction.
· Please keep a lamb in prayer as his time at the Wake County Alcohol Treatment Center nears an end.
· Please keep a lamb in your prayers as he has returned home to Richmond. He was given the book, A Purpose Driven Life.
· We are thanking the Lord for your prayers as the married couple has been substance free for over a month. They are living in a motel and looking for an apartment in Cary as well as jobs. The husband is working about halftime with a Heat and Air company and wanting more work. The wife has applied for waitress jobs but would love to work in an office.
· Missionaries were able to have lambs take showers on Sunday after church.
· Please thank Jesus for His Almighty faithful provisions.
· Please keep the missionaries in prayer as they deliver physical and spiritual manna 3 times a week. Thank you Jesus for Your mighty hands in this world!
· Sunday a lamb met missionaries to show where his new camp is located and to see the lamb who is suffering from pancreatitis. The camp is beautiful! Hugs received with smiles of joy filled the morning! Please keep both lambs in your prayers.
· Please keep in your prayers a lamb who told missionaries he has been given 60 days to live due to liver issues.
· On Thursday, the Bible study moved back into the other side of the parking lot, near the lambs “watering hole” or “family room”. The lambs were surprised and relieved to see missionaries setting up tables and chairs in their “space”. Beer or Cerveza wasn’t allowed within the circle of chairs or at the food table. Thank you Jesus for their respect. A cell phone drug deal was underway during the prayer circle time and the phone was taken away being returned outside the circle after the prayer time was over. All phone calls were asked to be taken away from the area, in reverence of “iglesia”. This, too, was respected by the lambs. Praise God! What a blessing to witness the hunger for His Word and with reverence by so many!
· The Lord provided a bounty for dinner. Missionaries were shocked when they went to the grocer’s deli to pick up food to also be given a case of Hispanic soda. What a gift! Another group donated refried beans, black beans, Mexican rice, and corn with tortillas. What a feast for the large group!
· The group took turns reading Acts 9 in Spanish and then English section by section with discussion between each section. One of the lambs served as translator between both groups. One of the lambs was trying to explain how he had felt persecuted today. His persecution took him to alcohol instead of to being closer to Christ. Others discussed hearing the voice of the Lord but the voice of cerveza was louder. Please pray that the Lord’s voice is the loudest voice in our lives.
· A lamb is going through a program provided by the department of correction and taking computer classes at Wake Tech. Praise God!!!!
· The lamb who felt persecuted began to verbally strike out last night. Several of the other lambs went to “put him in his place”, the old way with fists and bats. Before anyone touched the lamb, everyone was called back to the circle to continue the study of Acts 9. Several lambs lost the desire to continue with God’s Word but were encouraged to return to the circle. They read through verse 31. God and His perfect timing!!!! “Then the church throughout Judea, Galilee and Samaria enjoyed a time of peace. It was strengthened; and encouraged by the Holy Spirit; it grew in numbers, living in the fear of the Lord.” This scripture became the scripture for the evening.
· The Lord is such a Lord of provision. An area church donated the money for a bus ticket. The following day the family in CA whose brother just went to see the Lord, contacted missionaries also wanting to help this lamb go home to be with his family. They know what it meant to them to have their brother home. He owns some land in Arkansas and hopes to get away from the temptations of homeless living in Garner. This lamb has such a wide knowledge of the Bible and read most of the English version of the study last night.
· Please continue to pray for the lamb with the broken wrist (since December). The doctor has given missionaries the protocol for her wrist surgery. Please pray she will now take the necessary steps for surgery. She has asked for prayer from narcotic addiction. She has been taking too many pain pills for her wrist.
· Please pray for a lamb who is in jail. Please ask that the Lord speak with Him and remind him that he is loved.
· Thank you Jesus for Your Almighty provisions three times per week.
· Please pray for a place for the Garner Thursday mission to meet out of the weather, maybe a church on South Saunders St, 401 or Wilmington St will open their doors one night a week, especially when the days become shorter in the fall. The Lord knows the perfect meeting location.
· Please pray for a hair stylist to serve the Lord one Saturday a month at the Garner showers.
· Please keep lambs in prayer as they are asked to make decisions of walking away from their addictions and walking toward Jesus.
· Thank you Jesus for a lamb who is continuing to be substance free and involved with a support group through AA.
· Please continue to pray for support circles as these lambs readjust to society and are welcomed into the Body of Christ.
· Praise God for the existing support circle as the Body of Christ encircles a lamb with the love of Jesus!
· Please keep the director of CitW, Alice McGee, in your prayers as she is in Africa for a mission trip, May 24th returning June 17th.
· Thank you Lord for being scheduler of all Christians time.

Missionary Testimonials
· What a gift the Lord gave when He gave the family the wheelchair this week! The Hispanic community is so frightened by people they don’t’ know, expecting them to harm them with threats of exportation or harm. To witness trust being built through His love is a blessing. The language barrier didn’t stop the gratitude, smiles and hugs as they spoke to their loved one and pushed the wheelchair into the trailer. The family came back outside to thank the missionaries and God for this gift! This was the first time missionaries witnessed the family pointing to Heaven with words of appreciation with no fear on their faces. Praise You Jesus!

God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
· Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner church Thank You Jesus for serving hearts!
· Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, individuals, and caterers! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, storage places, and toiletries donated this week. This week someone having a yard sale wants to donate their leftovers.
· Thank You Jesus for the acupuncturist who donates her time.
· We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles, especially as new ones are developing across Cary and Apex. Praise God!


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