Friday, July 06, 2007

We are thanking you for your prayers and support as the Lord continues to provide abundantly for this ministry! More and more people are being drawn into communion with one another through the least of these, whether homeless, poverty stricken, prostitutes, drug dealers, or gang members, and so many blessings are being shared!

Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
• At the Apex mission beginning July 22nd missionaries are beginning a Backyard Bible study on Sundays with set-up at 4:30. The address is Thriftwood Dr, Apex (under the trees). Blankets will be needed to serve as classrooms, as well as craft items, and serving hands and hearts. If the Lord is nudging you to serve these children, please contact Talli Sailer at 325-2669 or
• CitW Medical mission will be at the Garner Methodist Church July 28th from 3-5 PM. If you are interested in serving, please contact Anne Willet at 461-9737

Prayer and Praise!

• Thank you Jesus for Your Almighty provisions twice a week
• At the Sunday mission, missionaries wave down cars as they enter the neighborhood or check their mail. Most cars now wave as they pass. Some are even stopping each week. Many children are now coming. This week a man stopped his car and asked for prayer. He started with he wanted to give God glory and praise, they he confused is sins, repented and recommitted his life to Christ. Thank you Jesus!
• The lamb who is recovering from surgery is doing well. Please continue to keep him in your prayers. This week he donated a spiral ham to be cooked for the July 8th mission.
• Former Garner lambs brought two of their children to the Sunday mission. What a blessing to witness the Lord’s discipling! The mother and children went door to door giving families bagged lunches and offering prayer. On Wednesday the third son came as they offered food and prayer. God is so good!
• A Garner missionary asked for prayer two years ago. She has a heart for the children. Missionaries have been praying that the Lord would open a place for her to serve children. She went to the Apex mission one day and was greeted by the children. She began praying “is this the place Lord?” That was three weeks ago. Since that day another couple has volunteered to serve with her family and an Apex church has donated their leftover crafts from their VBS. On Wednesday a single mother asked if the mission could offer some type of children’s program. She wants to help with it. Another church is also interested with helping. Thank you Jesus for the little children! Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
• Humanitarian aid is being brought to the Apex mission Sunday and Wednesdays, along with prayer. Please pray that these lambs will see and feel the love of Jesus. This may be the only church they attend.

• A Cary lamb has been blessed this week to have transportation to a possible housing solution. He didn’t get in, but God is creating more relationships to help him stay on his walk with Jesus. This lamb was released from alcohol treatment yesterday and the devil put him through trials. One of the lambs at the Garner mission began blasting him with venomous words and he laughed and waved her off. In the old wineskin he would have retaliated with venomous words of his own. He didn’t get into the transitional home in Chapel Hill, the only one he wanted to apply for and is back on the streets. Please pray he finds a job on a bus-line.
• He was released yesterday and the devil put him through trials. One of the Garner lambs at the Garner mission began blasting him with venomous words and he laughed and waved her off. In the old wineskin he would have retaliated with venomous words of his own. He didn’t get into the transitional home in Chapel Hill, the only one he wanted to apply for and is back on the streets. The job needs to be on a bus-line.
• Praise the Lord, several of the lambs have jobs! Please keep them in your prayers as they try to walk out of a pit of murk and mire on their own strength. But those who wait on the LORD Shall renew their strength; Isaiah 40:31a
• A lamb has been substance free for over a year. He moved in with his wife and children two months ago. He became lost and was found after several days. One of the Garner, then Cary lambs was called asking if he knew where he could be. The lamb was able to find him and talk with him. The lost lamb has returned home to his wife, children and job and is back into an NA program. He is praising the Lord. It was the longest he has ever been substance free. His goal now is at least until his children are grown. He is asking for prayer that with Jesus he can do this. Seek the LORD and His strength; Seek His face evermore! Psalm 105:4
• The lambs at the motel are responding with God bless you and receptive to prayer.
• The Monday missionary is vacationing next week and needed someone to take the Monday humanitarian aid/prayer mission. Another missionary’s neighbor who has been going on the Wednesday and Thursday humanitarian aid/prayer mission has agreed to serve Monday with his three sons. Please keep them in your prayers as this is their first solo.
• Humanitarian aid is being brought to an area of poverty in Cary Mondays and Thursdays, along with prayer. Please pray that these lambs will see and feel the love of Jesus. This may be the only church they attend.

• A couple has been given an apartment. The government found the man was still married. While receiving his divorce, he will move into an Oxford house and she will be moving into her apartment. After his divorce is final they can be married and move into her apartment.
• The three lambs who attended the Greg Laurie conference have been blessed this week. The couple had their children for a week, spending time in different missionaries’ homes. The husband has been attending a Men’s Bible Study group in Holly Springs for months. One of the men in the group has given them one of his apartments to rent. The now landlord is allowing them to paint the apartment in exchange for almost a complete month’s rent and is willing to work on the deposit. It is the nicest place they have ever lived. The landlord is praying about starting a business with these lambs. Praise God! Please keep the wife in prayer as she seeks employment. The brother-in-law begins a job in Danville, VA July 16th. Praise God for His almighty provisions! The brother-in-law asked missionaries if they had been praying for him. He has tried to drink a beer since he accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior. Each attempt he has become violently sick. Praise the Lord for His new wineskin!
• Please keep a lamb in prayer as she moves to the transitional home in Carrboro that was a better fit.
• Please pray for God to touch a lamb who is so enslaved by substances that she started using drugs and alcohol the same day she was released from the hospital after a heart attack. The CitW director prayed with her. She returned to the group with the mission witnessing “When an unclean spirit goes out of a man, he goes through dry places, seeking rest; and finding none, he says, ‘I will return to my house from which I came.’ And when he comes, he finds it swept and put in order. Then he goes and takes with him seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter and dwell there; and the last state of that man is worse than the first.” Luke 11:24-26. Her persecution made missionaries rejoice with “Blessed are you when they revile and persecute you, and say all kinds of evil against you falsely for My sake. Matthew 5:11. This lamb was taken back to the hospital by force and released from the ER this morning. Please pray that the Holy Spirit fills her each time she asks for prayer and isn’t left void.
• Please continue to pray for the lamb with the broken wrist (since December). Several have prayed for the Lord’s miraculous healing. She is no longer using the wrist brace. Praise God!
• Please pray for a Garner lamb who is moving back in with her mother. She is continuing to struggle with addictions that are keeping her from being with her son.
• Please continue to pray for a lamb who is trying to get back to his land in Arkansas. He joined missionaries for church on Sunday. Please pray he feels comfortable with opening himself up to a total reliance on Jesus.
• Please continue to pray for a lamb who is struggling with liver problems from drinking.
• Thank the Lord He has answered your prayers. Eunice has been found safe!
• Luis is recovering from his third degree burns and a systemic infection. The systemic infection has heightened the risk of amputation. His case manager has required that he live in a dwelling with running water and electricity for 6 months to a year. He has agreed to live with missionaries for the first month. Please continue to keep him in prayer for healing and the peace of the Lord.
• An area veterinarian plans to host a vaccination clinic and neutering clinic in August for the pets of the Lord’s least-of-these.
• Please pray for a lamb who is in jail. Please ask that the Lord speak with Him and remind him that he is loved. He has been transferred to a jail in Goldsboro.
• The Lord’s timing is so perfect. The Thursday mission is meeting in the parking lot in the lambs’ social area. The mission attendance has increased tremendously, as has the respect of no substance use in the mission area. Please continue to pray for a location for the Garner Thursday mission to meet out of the weather, maybe a church on South Saunders St, 401 or Wilmington St will open their doors one night a week. The Lord with His perfect timing find a perfect place.
• Thank you Jesus for the caterer who wants to serve July 26th for the Thursday mission.
• Praise God for a location to meet for the monthly medical missions!
• Please pray for a hair stylist to serve the Lord one Saturday a month at the Garner showers. A missionary’s friend is moving from Chicago this month and is prayerfully considering cutting hair once a month. Thank you Jesus!

• Please keep lambs in prayer as they are asked to make decisions of walking away from their addictions and walking toward Jesus.
• Thank you Jesus for a lamb who is continuing to be substance free and involved with a support group through AA.
• Please continue to pray for support circles as these lambs readjust to society and are welcomed into the Body of Christ.
• Praise God for the existing support circle as the Body of Christ encircles a lamb with the love of Jesus!
• Please pray for missionaries’ cars. The Sunday Moore Square missionary’s car has been without a car all week. The Apex, Cary, Garner missionary couple are both having car problems with both possibly going in the shop today.
• Thank you Lord for being scheduler of all Christians’ time.

Missionary Testimonials
God continues to work through an Apex men’s Bible study, building relationships and strengthening faith. Several homeless men have visited the study. Some have received transportation, Bibles, prayer and friends willing to listen to them. Others have been blessed with jobs and even an apartment. So many are learning what it means to serve and love unconditionally – and to see God work miracles!

God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
• Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner church Thank You Jesus for serving hearts!
• Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, individuals, and caterers! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, storage places, and toiletries donated this week.
• We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles, especially as new ones are developing across Cary and Apex. Praise God!


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