Thursday, May 22, 2008

May 22, 2008

While serving during the Wednesday Apex mission, missionaries were given three prayer requests.
The store deli worker, where we receive food donations, is asking for prayer for her 4 month old grandson. He is severely anemic and being tested for a blood abnormality. Thank Jesus for His healing hands as you pray for William.
One of the parents at the mission is asking for prayer for her grandfather. He fell and broke his hip. While on pain medication he experienced psychotic episodes. The psychotic medications he has been given has increased these episodes to the point he is now in a psych. hospital. They are trying to alter/adjust the medications. Thank Jesus for His healing as you pray for Robert.
A lamb has been diagnosed with a rare blood cancer. Thank the Lord for His mighty provision and healing as you pray for Howard.
The gang graffiti has increased at this mission, along with an increase of police activity. Please continue to thank the Lord for His strong presence and protection and His love is strong.
Please keep a youth, who is assisting with the Wednesday mission, in your prayers. He is learning about the power of prayer and amazed each week how the Lord is answering. It is a reminder of Luke 10:9.
Praise God, a missionary is finally taking a Spanish class!

One lamb has quit his job and returned to the woods from the Sunday Garner mission. The temptation through old friends is great. Mark 9:42
Another lamb has taken a fulltime job. Thank the Lord as His provisions are used to glorify Him as you pray for this lamb. This lamb isn’t too sure about God. You know how to pray.
Another lamb was hospitalized with pancreatitis. This is often last stages of alcoholism. Thank Jesus that she knows Him and that she desires to grow closer to Christ.
Thank the Lord for the completion of a lamb’s 6th week in Malachi house in Greensboro.Thank the Lord for the lamb who is at Potter’s Wheel.
A lamb has completed his lung cancer treatment and waiting to hear the results of the treatments. Thank Jesus for His mighty healing.

Pray the alcoholics, drug users, drug dealers, gang members, and prostitutes in the area see the Light of Jesus, desire to have Him in their lives, and grow to know and love Him.


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