Sunday, June 15, 2008

June 15, 2008

What a blessing to witness the expansion of God’s kingdom! Each of these prayer requests demonstrates how Jesus is touching His lambs. Jesus’ light is being seen through those who spread the Gospel not just with words but with their behavior and actions. The lambs want some of Jesus but aren’t sure they can leave the old life. Each one is crying out, He hears their cries but they feel their faith is so weak. They need you to intercede for them and continue to be the Light of the World, in Jesus’ mighty name.

-This is the second time in 2 weeks a lamb has been admitted to the hospital. She wants to change her life and her body wants her life changed. Pray she will allow Jesus in and desire only Him
-A lamb talked with his family (mother, father, sisters, and DAUGHTERS) He wants to get treatment. Pray that this lamb calls upon Jesus for his strength.
-A lamb found out his cancer has grown. He goes back to UNC this week for a recheck.
-A lamb left a treatment center and called a missionary asking for a ride to return the next day. We ask that Jesus become a piece of him through these rides and visits. We pray that he desires Jesus in his life.
-Lambs have had their home condemned. Pray that as they grow closer to Jesus their lives will desire the new wine over the old.

-The gang graffiti has increased, so has the activity. Pray that Jesus’ presence is felt by all and the enemy runs.
-Someone fired several gun rounds, no one is saying whether anyone was shot.
-There is an increase in police activity, lambs are worried about deportation of parents with children being left behind again.
-A lamb has a high risk pregnancy. She knows Jesus and is asking for prayers for her baby girl that lives within her.
-A lamb is in the last stages of cirrhosis, although he has been substance free for over a year. He can no longer be left alone, so wife has had to quit her job. They asked for prayers for financial assistance. We ask that this couple come to know Jesus and know He is their provider and healer.

-pray for the couple who is beginning their walk with Jesus. Pray that they grow in Jesus each day and are discipled

-pray for the couple who has been reunited with their family, as they walk closer with Jesus each day. Pray that brothers and sisters in Christ disciple them in His ways

-Thank Jesus for the lamb who is walking with Jesus and being discipled. He is asking for prayer to grow God’s kingdom in Durham.

-A lamb left a treatment program a couple of weeks ago and has returned to Cary. Keep him in your prayers as he searches for the ultimate program, a life with Christ

Lyburn, WV
- a lamb's brother has colon cancer. She is asking for prayers for his healing.
-a lamb is dealing with diabetes

God is so good, a missionary has a business trip in Fremont, CA. He is praying he will be able to see the family of one of the Lord’s lambs.
Thank Jesus for the abundance of clothing, toys, bedding, and food that was received and given away this week. He is the mighty provider!
sending love and prayers,
Al and Cindy