Friday, August 22, 2008

August 22, 2008

God is so cool!
Tonight the Lord provided a feast for ~ 40 children and parents who were unable to attend Fiesta Day. The children received school supplies, painted sun catchers, had a time of fellowship and played hard on the playground.
The Lord has placed on Carola’s heart a meal and a tutoring ministry for the children in 4 of the Cary/Apex missions. Tutoring begins September 4th. A nearby church has been gracious enough to open their doors. Jesus has provided the food for this program. It will be Thursday evenings 5:30-7:30 PM including donated pizza and dried fruit. Thank You Jesus for Your mighty provisions!
She is praying for tutors. Many of the children are Hispanic. It is a great service project for those in Key Club, boy scouts, girl scouts... For more information Carola’s phone number is 372-9750.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

The Lord's harvest

Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is abundant, but the workers are few. Therefore, pray to the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into His harvest." Matthew 9:37-38

Four years ago the Lord told us, the Boyce’s, to till the ground and sow His seed. As the years have passed, the body of Christ and the Holy Spirit have watered the seedlings, then maturing plants. In many tilled and sown fields, the Lord has faithfully sent out “workers” into His harvest. The harvesters are from different denominations and non-denominations – the true body of Christ!

With the Garner homeless mission, 20 months ago a church came for the great harvest. Now there are four churches tending the lambs, discipling them, bringing them into closer fellowship with Jesus and just loving then in ways that only Jesus can love them.
In Cary, six months ago a church came along to harvest the Lord’s precious fruit. Now they are discipling them and again bringing the unconditional love of Jesus there.

The prayer request today is for four “ripe” Cary and Apex missions. Today, August 16th, a Cary church is hosting “Fiesta Day”. Brothers and sisters in Christ from several churches (the Body of Christ) will be there to bring in the harvest for Jesus. Pray that the Lord’s harvest is bountiful!
The reaper is already receiving pay and gathering fruit for eternal life, so the sower and reaper can rejoice together. For in this case the saying is true: 'One sows and another reaps. ' I sent you to reap what you didn't labor for; others have labored, and you have benefited from their labor." John 4:36-38
Thank You Jesus! We are truly blessed to rejoice together!

Saturday, August 02, 2008

lambs in need of prayer

A of the family from one of the Hispanic Apex missions is in need of prayer. Maria’s grandfather has Alzheimer’s. They moved him from Miami a couple of weeks ago. Her father has had to quit his job to watch his father. They had to call the police Monday because he was lost overnight. He was found safely but they ask for prayers for a facility to take him. He does have Medi (care or card, not sure which or both), but his cards were stolen in Miami. They are trying to reinstate his cards as well as apply in NC.
Maria has had to quit her job due to a high risk pregnancy, gestational diabetes, asthma, and high blood pressure, with possible preeclampsia.
They are under quite a bit of stress and are asking for prayer.
We thank Jesus this family accepted Jesus a year ago, so they know “In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world —John 16:33”, sometimes it is hard to believe it though.

Bob Harris called from Wake Med this morning. He has been seen by one of his UNC doctors, who just so happened to be at Wake Med. God is good!
His cancer has spread to his right lung. He has fluid around his left lung. The lung has collapsed. They are draining the fluid with a syringe. If that doesn’t work, he might be transferred to UNC where they will insert a drain tube.
He will meet with his oncologist to restart chemo, at an unknown date.

Mary Jo's mom died the 30th.
Mary Jo is doing well, sorrowful that she was not able to get to Chicago in time for one more good-bye, but knowing that was by God's design. She is asking for prayers specifically during the Wake hours. Please keep her and the family in prayer especially during those hours. Please pass this message on to those in your ministry, for we know the power of prayer.
In Loving Memory of: Margaret Zielazinski April 4, 1927 – July 30, 2008

In lieu of flowers, a donation to the Brown Bag Ministry would be most appreciated. Please make checks payable to “Brown Bag Ministry” and send to Mary Jo at the address below.
407 Grassy Point Road, Apex, NC 27502
The Brown Bag Ministry is a nonprofit organization that feeds the poor and homeless of Wake County, NC. To provide simple bag meals and basic necessities to those in need, homeless or otherwise. To establish hope through the human touch and joyful charity. Our organization currently makes 500 brown bag lunches every week that are distributed in Wake County, NC. In working with other churches in the area, we prepare and serve a hot meal for them twice a month.
God Bless, and thank you in advance for your prayers for Mary Jo, and the Zielazinski family. Beth