Friday, August 25, 2006

August 25, 2006

We are thanking the Lord for you and your prayers. The Lord is hearing them and answering them.

Tuesday night the Lord brought the preview to the movie "Facing the Giants" back to Cary. Two car loads of lambs were able to attend. There were many others who wanted to attend but not the car space. The movie was so AMAZINGLY GOD and Spirit-filled. The lambs couldn't stop talking about it on the ride home and at the Bible study Thursday night. The movie comes to Crossroads in Cary, September 29th. All can reserve block seating at . One area ministry has been given a donation from an area church to take the "Downtown Friends" to see the movie opening Sunday, October 1.

Months ago a lamb released herself from doctor's care due to an aneurysm. She was told if she continued her old lifestyle in the woods she was basically committing suicide. The Lord interceded when her boyfriend accepted Jesus as his personal Savior. For the last 6 weeks, the Lord's lamb has been, in his strength not the Lord's, trying to take care of her and stopping her from using substances. Wednesday friends called EMS to take her to the hospital. She checked herself out. Another lamb saw her Thursday morning passed out at a gas station. During the Bible study, a missionary was asked to help look for her. Her boyfriend found her. This former lost lamb would have been angry. Jesus' new lamb went to wake her, stroked her hair, and asked her to get in the missionary's car. He asked her questions. She became angry, but could be calmed down. They were brought to the dinner and study. He went in to prepare her plate, asking someone else to take it. He remained inside while she ate. Later he asked her if she wanted to take a shower. She did and off they went to missionaries' home. He wants her to go into treatment. He wants her whole again. He realizes he can't take care of her. He is ready to turn her over to the Lord. He realizes God is greater, as well as being the Almighty Physician.

The lamb who was so helpful last week with the lamb who wanted treatment, was again helpful this week. She is the one who called EMS Wednesday. Once she realized the lamb was going to leave for a shower and possible hospitalization, she offered to take care of their pets and look after their belongings. She leaves "Church clothes" at missionaries' home and offered them to the lamb. She is considering being baptized September 10th. Please keep her decision in your prayers.

Also on Thursday night, one of the Lord's lambs received a phone call from his wife. She had worked late and there were no more bus runs. Could someone come get her? A missionary agreed to pick her up after dropping off two other lambs.

So many of your prayers are being answered. God is hearing and answering them.
One of the Lord's lambs is moving into the Incentive Housing Dormitory for men on Snow Avenue Monday while waiting for his apartment to be completed. This is a new temporary housing unit with on-site programs staff that provide intensive case management. God is so good!

The Lord's lamb called Friday night to tell the missionaries she was admitted to treatment. She also wanted to let them know her last name, so she could be visited. She was so cute while on the phone telling the continuing care counselor, "I told you they didn't know my last name. They just wanted to help me get treatment." She also told missionaries that only God can get her through this. Thank you Jesus! Continue to pray she will ask Jesus into her heart.

The Lord's lamb who moved into an Oxford home a couple of weeks ago was able to meet driving angels Sunday to receive a ride to church. He took a bus to a central location. He also met with the orthopedic doctor yesterday.

One lamb has an appointment to meet with the doctor at the Horizon Clinic on the 30th. Please keep him in your prayers. When he made the appointment he wanted help with his broken collar bone and assistance to come off alcohol. Thank you Jesus!

There are a few more prayer requests:
A lamb couple has spent many days in the hospital for one thing or another. Both were released on Tuesday from two different hospitals, one in time to see the movie "Facing the Giants." A family in Christ is considering taking them groceries a couple of times a month and perhaps bringing them to church. God is so good!

The couple in Fuquay now has two, possibly three, families able to offer them rides to church as needed. God is so good!

Another lamb who has been having trouble finding work has moved back into the woods. People at the house where he used to live are threatening to throw out all his worldly belongings, including photo albums, fishing poles and other things he has had since he was young. A missionary is going to help move these things to a safe place while the lamb continues looking for work.

Please pray for another lamb who turned 56 this week. He spent some time with friends who have moved from the woods into a house, but began to feel unwelcome and went back to his camp. His health is not good, he continues to drink every day and his spirits are low. He said, "Do you know what it's like to be lonely when you are not alone? I do."

The Lord's lamb who moved to CA is doing well. He called missionaries. He is feeling well, riding his bike, and alcohol free since November 17th. Thank you Jesus! He asked for prayer for his brother and parents.

Friday, August 18, 2006

August 18, 2006

God is so good!
This week while missionaries were picking up deli trash from the newest store, the woman working there told the missionary, "There is a deli ham and a deli turkey breast in the basket." The missionary thanked God for her and told her how the Lord would feed so many homeless people through her. The missionary went to her car to load it with the Lord's bounty and thought wouldn't it be nice if she would slice the meat. She went back inside to find the woman crying. They talked learning she and her daughter had been homeless 10 years ago, she knew what it was like to go hungry, and how much she appreciated it when someone gave them something to eat. She would be a blessed to slice the meat. What a gift from the Lord for both the woman and the missionary to be part of her "coming full circle” for Jesus.

The Church in the Woods ministry is part of a larger ministry, The Body of Christ. When the Church in the Woods received over 400 hot dogs with all the fixings, a missionary sent word to "the Body" asking who might be able to use them this week. One group who feeds hot dogs to the Lord's lambs every Saturday had already been provided for by the Lord, but a group who feeds low-income families in western Wake County, including Apex, was eager to receive the Lord's bounty. The missionary brought before and after photographs from a home in Apex that was repaired by another group from the “Body of Christ”. A Cary church did the study “40 Days of Community” last spring. The church has pledged to not begin any new ministries but to help those in their “Jerusalem ". This ministry was able to rebuild the front porch with a foundation of a rotting tree stump, replace the framing around doors, repair a roof, and landscape the yard. Missionaries' sons have been part of a similar project, where they went to the Appalachian area involving large fund raisers making similar home repairs, coming home after a week and on “fire for the Lord”. The amazing thing about this local group is they just needed to donate time because several area building companies donated all of the materials. God is the MIGHTY provider! The Helping Hand ministry was able to distribute the hot dogs this week. The hot dog vendor would like to donate his leftovers whenever possible. Thank you Lord for your mighty provision, someone's trash is another's treasure. A missionary wrote an article several months ago and now is published online titled "Garbage In, Garbage Out ." It can be read at

One of the Lord's lambs has been diligently trying to find a halfway house. To his dismay, most halfway homes do not allow people on disability. A brother in Christ who is staying in an Oxford home in Cary suggested several Oxford Homes with openings after their monthly meeting. Only one in Wake County allows people with disabilities. He has moved from missionaries' home this week. He is attending NA and AA meetings daily and doing volunteer work. He has gone to a doctor to get his referral to an orthopedic surgeon and has an appointment -- All of this prior to meeting with his continuing care counselor weeks after being released from treatment. The Lord planned His lamb's days and provided for him, as He always does when we trust in Him. We are thanking the Lord for this lamb's faith-based support circle and everyone's prayers. God is so faithful! This lamb needs a twin size comforter, a pillow, a clock radio, and would love some size 11 sneakers and some white socks.

The day one lamb moved out of missionaries' home, another moved in. God and His perfect timing! This lamb has work in Cary for a few days. The Lord has blessed him this week with sleep and healthy meals, as well as work. He has returned to the woods after being evicted from his dilapidated camper by the property owner and the city. His apartment will be ready in a few weeks. Pray he has work in Cary, at least occasionally, so he can get a good meal, a shower, and restful sleep. While in the woods, pray for His mighty arms of protection and peace. The lamb has received his hearing aid, but can't sleep with it. It isn't easy being hearing impaired and living in the woods.

A fellow missionary called another missionary Thursday morning looking for the Lord’s provision of food. He had half the number of sandwiches needed. The second missionary was picking up food from an area deli. They met and the Lord provided the other half of the needed sandwiches, as well as crackers, and cheesecake. Thank you Jesus!

The Lord blessed the Thursday outreach with beef stew, mashed potatoes, brownies, rice crispy treats, watermelon and peaches, an assortment of hot peppers and tomatoes, and drinks.
As the group gathered, a lost lamb who has been a few times told a missionary she needed help. The lost lamb told the missionary she has watched how people have been helped to stop using substances. She didn't understand how this group helps people, but she knew she needed help. When she was told that Jesus is the person to turn to for help, she shook her head, "No, I mean a treatment center." She called her mother and talked with a nurse from ATC. She wants to go TODAY for treatment. Praise God! Please pray for transportation for her to be able to go; pray when someone goes to pick her up, she is still willing to go for treatment. And most important, please continue to pray for her desire to have a relationship with Jesus.
Another lamb fell during the week and has injured her arm. It is swollen and bruised from her wrist to her shoulder and warm above her elbow. She is afraid to get treatment. Please keep her in your prayers. She needs more healing than just her arm.
Another lamb began drinking “vino” again. He handed his bottle to a missionary and told her to throw it away. He also FINALLY wants treatment for an old broken bone. Missionaries are to call the doctor for him today to schedule an appointment. Please keep him in your prayers. As you can read most of the evening was spent in prayer. Nehemiah will continue next week.

The Lord's lambs who were married in the spring have an apartment and have their children for an extended visit. Please continue to pray for them and furniture. They still don't have beds.

Driving angels are needed. So many lambs from the Thursday night outreach love going to the missionaries' church in Apex. They tell their friends in the woods and once they move into housing or treatment placements they tell their housemates. All still want to attend "their" church. Isn't God so good??? Picking the Lord's lambs up at a somewhat central location was easy for missionaries, but now His lambs are in apartments near NC State, in apartments near Peace College, at the Raleigh Rescue Mission, in apartments in Fuquay, and now two Oxford homes with increasing numbers. Please pray for angels willing to pick up lambs allowing them to be part of a larger faith-based community Sunday mornings and bring them home after the church service.

This week a missionary also received an email from someone in British Columbia, Canada, who wants to expand a homeless ministry.

The email said, in part: "We give out sandwiches, clothing, new socks & underwear, invite them inside for coffee and snacks and have taken a cotton candy machine with us on both occasions. It was awesome to serve and talk with this people. Just to show them they are worth it was a great experience. Our project right now is to open an outreach centre in our own town. Would you mind sharing how you got started? Any suggestions you may have would be appreciated."

We are thanking the Lord for you, your hearts, your hands and your prayers.

Friday, August 11, 2006

August 10, 2006

The Lord is bringing flocks of His lambs to church every week from the Raleigh Rescue Mission, a Cary Oxford home, those lambs who are now in apartments, and those still living in the woods. He is "gathering His flocks"!

A missionary now needs a van to bring everyone from the Raleigh Rescue mission. A lamb called this week asking if even more would be able to attend church and the lunch afterwards. The Lord blessed His lambs with a meal and phone calls to family members after church each week. Several lambs were overheard telling their loved ones he was "at a welcoming home, he had been brought to church, and fed lunch. Yes, they do this every weekend. Anyone who wants to come" Please pray for driving angels. The missionary who drives for the Raleigh Rescue Mission is on vacation this weekend. The missionaries who drive for the non-sheltered homeless already have their cars overflowing. Without additional driving angels these lambs will not be able to attend church bringing blessings to so many.

Driving angels were able to bring two lambs to church Sunday from Fuquay. Thank you Jesus! The couple just moved into an apartment in Fuquay. Please pray for the Lord's provision of furniture. Contacts were made Sunday in missionaries' homes by some of the lambs (God is so good!) but more furniture is needed. There are no beds and 1 dresser. They are sleeping on the hardwood floors. Their three children will be returning to them in the near future.

This Sunday's lunch crowd was 17. A lamb from an Oxford home donated $5 to the missionaries Sunday afternoon to help with either gas or food. God is the ultimate provider! Harris Teeter had chicken leg quarters on sale for $0.29 a pound and the $5 was able to purchase enough meat for next week's lunch. Imagine the lamb's heart knowing his "2 fish and 5 loaves" will feed so many next week. What a blessing to be such a blessing!

The Lord placed an angel in missionaries' mist Sunday. He was selecting molded bread for breakfast from a garbage pile when they drove up to unload "deli trash". He wore a size 13 shoe but was wearing a size 10.5. As you can imagine his feet were literally bursting the shoes. His socks had more holes than Swiss cheese. The missionaries asked he wanted something to eat and if he wanted to go to church. He said "yes" to both. He told a missionary how he was trying to get home and had asked four churches closest to the Raleigh bus station for a bus ticket home; they could even walk to the station, purchase it and watch him get on the bus. He was turned down all four times. He asked at the Apex church he attended Sunday. The adult ministry pastor searched online for tickets, unable to purchase it online and gave the missionary the cash to purchase the ticket. The Lord provided shoes and socks for the lamb while he was fed. The lamb was driven to the Raleigh bus station at 3:25. Unknowing to either, his bus was leaving at 3:40. He was able to take the bus to see his aunt that day. God is amazing! Missionaries' son bought a country music CD with the song "What if She's an Angel". The day reminded missionaries how sometime angels are placed in people's lives teaching compassion to witness God's glory shining.

Last week a lamb was taken a bus to Wilson to a halfway home. Upon arriving at the home, he was told he wasn't welcome because he is disabled. He called a missionary and the overseer of the home told her the same thing. He spent the night at the Wilson bus station, taking a bus back to Raleigh. He was detained by the Raleigh police for sleeping at the bus station, no ticket. God with His perfect timing placed him passing the bus station the same time the missionary was leaving. He has been staying with missionaries while searching for a place to live. He has a continuing care appointment August 22nd with his new continuing care counselor. He also needs surgery. He has an appointment for a referral today. He has spent his days with social services and looking for apartments. His income is limited to his disability check, limiting his apartment choices to something under $250 per month. Please pray for the Lord's provision of a home and a surgeon for this lamb.

The Lord has changed the lamb who asked Jesus into his heart and life July 3rd. He is almost at peace with many of his situations. The missionaries are in awe of the Lord as He changes hearts, wrapping His beloved in His new garments.

A missionary is editing the book Out of the Wild by Matt Lobel. Photographs were taken last night for this book and study, "How to Find Your Mission". The Lord provided a blessed meal last night of meatloaf, green beans, potatoes, and éclair pie. The Lord provided so many lambs for the meal, hugs, and prayer. The bible study continued with Nehemiah 6. Lambs read the Word to the group and discussed His Word. What a blessing to know Jesus is standing in the gap for each of us. Brothers and sisters in Christ also stand in the gap for each of us. The lambs also discussed how the enemy tries to discourage people, God never does. They also discussed how not standing firm with the Lord is disobedience. A new lamb blessed the group with the Lord's wisdom.

One of the Lord's visually impaired lambs is having problems regulating her seizures. She is being taken to the ER several times this month. Please pray for the Lord's healing and the wisdom of the doctors.

One of the Lord's hearing impaired lambs received a hearing aid this week. He will also be moving into an apartment in September. He had been praying it would be earlier, but the apartment isn't completed yet. Please pray for the repairs of his moped. The part has been ordered but hasn't arrived. He will also need mechanical assistance once the part arrives.

A sister in Christ dropped toiletries off at a missionary's home yesterday. These are needed for the medical mobile unit. Thank you Jesus for being the Lord of provision!

The next mobile medical unit will be August 31st from 6-8 PM.

There is such a need for driving angels and brothers and sisters in Christ who want to be part of support circles. The driving angels bring the Lord's lambs to church, grocery shopping, and appointments. The support circles provide support with phone calls and visits.

We are thanking the Lord for you, your hearts, your hands, and your prayers.

Friday, August 04, 2006

Praise and prayers

What a night the Lord blessed the mission with last night! The thermometer read 110 at 6 PM in the outreach parking lot, and the Lord provided movie tickets to see the preview for the movie Facing the Giants. God is so amazing!

The movie is coming to secular theatres September 29th. Never have the missionaries seen a film speak so loudly about the power of Jesus in a community’s life as this movie and the group only saw half of the film because it melted in the projector. The Lord’s lambs who were able to attend the movie felt the same way. The movie began with failure, despair, fear, and prayer walking. Through these trials the community returned to Jesus for hope, community, and giving God glory in all things including football. The crew and actors of this movie are mostly volunteers from a church in Georgia with the support of SONY Productions, Casting Crowns and Third Day. The website is . God is so good, the group has an opportunity to view the movie preview again! In addition, the lambs received gifts for watching the movie. We serve an amazing God!

A lamb who the missionaries haven’t seen in some time returned to the group last night to join them at the movies. Praise God!

One of he Lord’s lambs left missionaries’ home this morning for a halfway home in another county. He was released from a treatment program yesterday. The missionaries into whose care he was given spent the afternoon trying to figure out the system to get his needed medications prior to moving. God is so gracious and patient. A pharmacist, not the treatment center, not his PATH worker, took the time to explain the best way to receive needed medication. This lamb is so understanding. Through the Lord, he realized he was one of the missionaries’ continual trainers of government programs. The lamb was packed with stationary, addresses & phone numbers, and blue, dove peace stamps to keep in touch with his church community. His first card from his church family was mailed for him to receive at the halfway home tomorrow. God is so perfect!

Another lamb received a call that his hearing aid has arrived. After many pay-phone calls he was told he couldn’t pick them up until next week. Again the system only allows system workers to distribute the hearing aids. Continue to pray for this lamb’s apartment. It was to be ready this week and now it is on hold. God is good in teaching so many his perfect timing.

Several lambs are going to court today for panhandling. The cities of Raleigh and Garner have cracked down on panhandlers with or without a permit. Please keep the lambs and the police force in your prayers. Thank God, for he is a God of compassion, grace and mercy.

One lamb has returned to drinking, leaving her boyfriend because he didn’t want to drink anymore. Please keep both in prayer, her for her addictions and him for the pain of another lose/rejection in life. Please thank the Lord that Jesus is so strong in his heart, he would rather follow Jesus and lose his girlfriend instead of returning to alcohol. We praise you Jesus!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006

July 31, 2006

As the devil tried to stop the outreach by taking the bus, the equipment, the first-aid kits, and most of the medical team, our sovereign Lord with His mighty provisions and healing powers was ever present Thursday evening for the first CitW medical mobile unit. The Lord provided only two medical missionaries and one missionary for the registration table, food, clothing, prayer and God's Word. The needs of His lambs were met perfectly, as only He can do.

The Lord used the nurse not only as a medical professional but her gift of the Spanish language. The lambs eyes widened at her ability to translate for the doctor their needs and questions, as well as the doctor's recommendations. Several of the Lord's lambs needed further treatment and were given referrals. These lambs need "driving angels" to provide transportation for these referrals. The rest were treated on site. The next mobile medical outreach will be the 4th Thursday in August. The medical missionary team, whether 2 or 20, needs supplies - such as a blood pressure cuff, ear thermometer, a glucometer, and over-the-counter medications - antibacterial ointments, antifungal creams, etc.
The Lord's lambs were blessed with a dinner and an opportunity to have one-on-one question & answer time discussing Jesus and prayer with a missionary while waiting for the doctor and nurse.
Lambs called missionaries on vacation to ask for prayer because the medical team found problems in need of treatment and/or further testing. The lambs were both frightened and grateful.

Missionaries returned from vacation to hear from lambs how someone answered their prayers for a crock-pot and groceries. The couple was so blessed by the generosity of their sister in Christ as she took the time to deliver God's provisions and pray with them.

Another lamb has been in alcohol treatment for 10 days. The Lord blessed missionaries Saturday with a special visit, not even having to go through orientation. The Lord and His planning angels knew missionaries weren't able to make the orientation due to other commitments. Another missionary was able to see this lamb on Sunday. These missionaries were also able to have church members sign cards to be given to this lamb as he continues treatment out of town for a few months. The counselors at the treatment center were blessed by the "support circles" this lamb has through his church and Church in the Woods. The counselor said, "I wish all of my patients had this kind of support. He will probably make it because of the support." This is the second time this month an organization has commented on the benefits of having an involved "support circle".

Each week lambs are bringing more lambs to church; some from the Cary Oxford home, some from Raleigh Rescue, some the Lord used the church to provide housing. Sunday the Lord blessed missionaries with a full house for lunch and the entire flock was able to stay to watch a Christian movie. The flock loved the movie feeling it was realistic, touching many aspects of inner city temptations. Some were so touched they borrowed the movie to be seen at Raleigh Rescue mission. The leftover food was sent to a Cary Oxford home. Groceries were sent home with others.

The Lord has provided movie passes this week for 20+ lambs. He also provided sack dinners and "driving angels". Missionaries began praying for popcorn because what's a movie without popcorn. A call was received from a mother. Her teenage son wanted to give his tithe to missionaries to be used any way needed. So now the Lord has even provided the popcorn. The Lord takes care of every detail!

Please pray for the Lord's lamb who is a paraplegic and wants a "driving angel" to bring him to and from church every week.

Please pray for the Lord's lambs in the woods this week as the temperature rise to 100 or higher.