Friday, December 22, 2006

December 22, 2006

We are thanking the Lord for all of you and your prayers. There are many opportunities to serve the Lord’s least of these this Christmas weekend.

The Lord blessed those stuffing the Moore Square Christmas with His mighty abundance. Many hands make light work; 150 men’s bags and 75 women’s bags were stuffed with hats, scarves, gloves, socks, shirts, Recovery Bibles, Mary Kay products, and other toiletry items within an hour. The Lord not only provided for the bags but His abundance of Mary Kay products also provided for many military women in Iraq. In addition to these bags, another area church is stuffing bags for children. The Moore Square mission is at 12:30, Saturday.
The socks, hats, gloves, and scarves will be used on the next trip to the woods, January 13th at 11 AM. Contact Alice if you are interested in attending at Please continue to pray for car batteries and metal luggage carts for this trip. The batteries are used as generators for those in the woods.

One of the Lord’s lambs now has a phone in his new apartment. He is thanking God for not having to keep so many quarters. A missionary took another box of donated items for his apartment this week. He loaded the missionary's car with Christmas gifts for his brother and sisters in Christ. God’s love is so powerful. He does not have transportation to attend church Christmas Eve morning. Please pray for a support circle for this lamb.

Missionaries are taking turns visiting one of the Lord’s lambs at work. He hasn’t been able to attend church in several months due to his work schedule. He hasn’t been in touch with them and they are becoming concerned. Missionaries were able to talk with his bosses asking that he have off at least one Sunday a month. He was also given one of the Recovery Bibles and “Jesus is the Reason” candle as a Christmas present. Please pray for a support circle for this lamb.

A missionary was able to pick-up a couple from the downtown area for the Thursday mission. With a traditional Christmas turkey dinner, each lamb received a New Large Print Bible, “Jesus is the Reason” candle, a gift bag with snacks, and a gift bag with a note, candy, and fresh fruit from an area church children’s Sunday school class. The lambs were able to open each Bible to read and discuss the Christmas story from Luke. All but a couple of lambs received acupuncture. As the needles were placed into each lamb’s ear, each lamb relaxed, even those with anxiety issues. Missionaries were able to witness a more youthful change in each face. One lamb came into the mission angry about news concerning her being spread throughout the camps. Within minutes she melted into the praise music, became calm and had acupuncture needles placed in her ears. She began singing and opening her Christmas gifts. Another lamb asked for a ride home. Usually he wants to be dropped off at the convenience store and then take a 15 minute walk through the woods to his camp. Last night he asked to be dropped off at his trail head. He didn’t want a beer for his walk home. God’s love is so transforming!

The Homeless Memorial Service at Bethel House of God was beautiful last night. We are thanking the Lord for not forgetting the forgotten.

Another lamb is going to court today for open container and trespassing tickets. He has been substance free for almost a month and working fulltime. Please keep him in your prayers today.
Another lamb was joined by his support circle this week to assist him with Christmas presents for his loved ones. The home group is studying the Purpose Driven Life. Keep this lamb in your prayers as he is working a fulltime job and getting involved with Christian friends.

Please continue to pray for the area church who is offering showers, a hot meal, laundry, and NOW PLYWOOD on Saturday afternoons. The Lord knows the bait needed to catch His fish. Praise God!

An area church is preparing to serve the Lord with a Christmas dinner Christmas Day for “the least of these”. The meal will be served at 12:30. Please contact Carlene at 779-3654, if you would like to join them.

Church in the Woods is offering a Christmas Eve service at the Wilmington St Men’s shelter at 7 PM. Over 200 gift bags have been made by the Brown Bag Ministry.

Church in the Woods is starting at least one mission at Dorothea Dix. The first mission will be Christmas evening at 7 PM. Call Alice is you are interested in attending at 772-7050. Gift bags are also being provided for this outreach.

Have a Blessed Christmas! God is so good!


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