Friday, January 12, 2007

January 12, 2007

We are thanking the Lord for your generous hearts, your serving hands, and your faithful prayers.

The Lord started the week with a miraculous bang. A missionary from another ministry came by Sunday morning with over 20 pounds of bananas for the lambs’ bag lunches, and the news of mighty donations. She was approached by an area company who is considering donating items, such as water, crackers, paper products and possibly mini vans! Praise God! She has asked for prayer for a storage unit and was told by her sister in Christ the Lord is providing one through an area church. She is asking for prayer for these donations and two mini vans, one for each ministry. Praise God!!!!

A Hispanic lamb wasn’t there when his young missionary “compadre” was led into the woods on Sunday to see him. The lamb’s brother told him and he was very apologetic, saying he will be sure to stay at his camp for a visit this week.

A foreign missionary family has joined the CitW Sunday mission team with the use of their van, collecting area groceries and walking into camps bringing the love of Jesus to His lambs. Praise God for touching the hearts of so many who long to serve. This family told missionaries this week that their daughter’s boyfriend, who doesn’t attend church, wants to join the Sunday mission team. God is so good because the teams bring lambs to church each week, including the team he has now joined!

The year 2007 began with 10 days of prayer and fasting. Some missionaries involved ended the 10 day prayer and fast attending a meeting with their church to discuss a Holy Spirit worship service. The Thursday night mission continued to read and discuss Acts and how they “continued with one accord in prayer and supplication to being filled with the Holy Spirit.”

The Thursday evening mission began with prayer, praising God for all things, including the acupuncture treatments received. The Lord’s lambs who have been receiving the treatments have had the strength to be substance free longer and longer each week. One lamb has now been substance free for 17 days. Praise you God! Another lamb who has been wheelchair bound is now walking. He is praising God for the prayer he has been receiving and the acupuncture treatments that have helped him remain relaxed. We serve such a miraculous God! An area drug dealer came for acupuncture, prayer, and the Word of God. One of the many blessing of the acupuncture is the lamb must wait 45 minutes. During this time each lamb receives pray and the Word of God. Praise you Jesus!

Another lamb took his first shower in TWO YEARS, for others it has been over a month. Thank You Jesus for the area church picking up lambs Saturday afternoons so they can receive showers, meals, prayer and the love of Jesus. Another lamb was visited Sunday and used a missionaries phone to call his wife. She told the missionary she has been “messing up, don’t give up on me, keep praying.” The missionary asked her to come to the mission Thursday. She did with the joy of the Lord in her heart. She told the mission how much she missed “girl talk” and the relationships with her sisters in Christ. She sang hymns from her childhood and was accompanied by other lambs at the mission. To hear the Lord’s lambs singing and praising Him, what a gift to receive!!!

A lamb came to the mission to ask for prayer and work clothing, suit, dress shirt tie, shoes… Not a request received often, so not something collected. After the Bible study a missionary and lamb went to the storage area and found a suit, two dress shirts, shoes, and a belt in his size. Only God! We praise you Lord.

The lambs are so excited to hear that brothers and sisters in Christ are bringing them, this world’s “lepers”, car batteries on Saturday. They wanted to know who would do this for them. The reply is God. Only God could orchestrate the gift of 50 new car batteries for $300 being delivered to each camp free of charge! They were reminded how much the Lord loves them. They were asked to attend a church on Sunday, any church, the one that picks up for the showers, the one that brings them food Sundays, or the Hispanic church that meets in the area Sunday morning. Several of the Hispanics have attended the Hispanic church and told missionaries it didn’t meet Sunday. Please pray this Hispanic church hasn’t left the area. It was meeting such a need in the Hispanic community. If it has left the area, pray the church members will come back to take these hungry lambs to the church they feel is their home church.

We are thanking the Lord for your prayers concerning the lamb who needs volunteer work. He attended the mission last night and was approached by the host ministry asking when he could volunteer again. They really needed him. He can start today. Praise God!

Please pray for the Saturday mission of delivering the batteries. Pray that each battery will remind each lamb how much Jesus loves them and how He died for each of us. An N&O reporter will also be attending the mission Saturday. Pray that the reporter is well received and sensitive to those receiving gifts from God. Please pray that the lambs don’t feel that their privacy and integrity have been invaded.

A lamb was reminded of the Lord’s provisions several times this week. He hasn’t received a paycheck due to the lack of work. Missionaries received a call asking for day labor over the weekend. A lambed thanked God for the opportunity to work. The Lord provided him with money for the week. Little did the lamb know he would go to the emergency room this week and need antibiotics that he had to purchase, but God knew! The lamb asked to be taken after work to purchase toothpaste. The missionaries received a call from a prayer warrior. She had bought the wrong toothpaste, several boxes and the Lord told her to call to see if the missionaries could find a home for it with other toiletries and snack food items. The lamb called during the day another day asking if on the way home he could buy bandages for the abscess that opened. A prayer warrior came that afternoon with a gallon Ziploc bag with bandages and bags of clothing. He was in the area! Praise the Lord for those who are obedient. The toothpaste prayer warrior was reminded of the scripture, He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD, And He will pay back what he has given. Proverbs 19:17

This lamb went to visit his girlfriend in the hospital recovering from a brain aneurism. His girlfriend had asked him to bring her more books to read. A prayer warrior was contacted and donated Christian fictions for her. Praise the Lord for His mighty provisions once again! While at the hospital his girlfriend was telling him, the doctors won’t release her until she promises she will no longer use substances. She asked, “What will I do all day?”
His response was, “Be like normal people; get a job, go to church, live in a house.” The missionary in the room just smiled and thanked Jesus for the changes the Lord has made in this lamb and how he now wants those changes for his loved ones.

A missionary called asking about a lamb the Lord had placed on her heart during the night. She described the dream and asked that they pray. Later in the day another missionary called with the news this lamb had been in a fight, traded his money for substances and needed her to keep his ATM card, so he isn’t so tempted. We praise you Jesus for open hearts to pray for these lambs when the Lord places them on hearts. We praise you for the lamb knowing where to turn, to You Lord. Please keep so many lambs in prayer as they are asking to have the Lord take away their addictions.

More and more missionaries are becoming comfortable bringing the Lord’s lambs into their homes. One new CitW missionary family is bringing lambs home for dinner each week to develop a relationship and share the love of Christ with each lamb. Each encounter allows the Lord’s lambs to realize he/she is no longer one of the “untouchables”. They are worthy of love and maybe God really could love them. Praise Jesus!

Two lambs brought over a CD for a young missionary. One attends church regularly and the other doesn’t. The lamb who doesn’t attend was touched to tears as he listened to the Christian CD and witnessed the joy of the Lord through this young missionary praising God through dance and worship!

Please keep a lamb in prayer who has been in a transitional home. He was voted out of the home Sunday evening and has until the weekend to find a place to live. Pray the Lord will provide him His perfect place, a place surrounded by the love of Jesus.

The Lord has been able to provide items for a lamb who received an apartment over the holidays, such as a TV, bus passes, food, bedding... He is still in need of items including a microwave. Please pray that he is able to continue to stay in the apartment and he is able to find a permanent job instead of day labor.

A new missionary contacted many of her friends giving testimonies of the Lord’s power and grace. A friend donated money for tarps. Please keep this donor in your prayers, may she see the love of Jesus through this donation.

Please keep in prayer a transitional home (or two) for so many of the lambs who the Lord is preparing and welcoming back into society. Due to job opportunities in the Cary area one in Cary would be a blessing, as well as one in Raleigh. God is good and faithful!

As always we are thanking the Lord for your prayers. He is faithful and answers them in such mighty way! We Praise You Jesus!.


Blogger scotirish said...

All I can say after reading your blog is WOW, you are answering the call of Christ to remember the least of these.

10:48 AM  

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