March 31, 2007
Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
· A new mission will begin April 6th from 11-2 PM with the CitW’s bus, parking at 5017 Thriftwood Dr., Apex. For more information contact Cindy Boyce at 387-0921, or Cuba Suarez at 387-7480.
· CitW will be holding an Easter service at Moore Square at 11 AM. It is a potluck lunch. Bring whatever the Lord places on your heart. For more information please contact Alice McGee at 772-7050.
· There will be a Carver St/Maple St mission meeting at Grace AME Church, 1401 Boyer St., Tuesday April 10th at 4 PM. This meeting is to discuss the possibility of purchasing a house on Maple St and how to best serve the lost lamb population in this area. Contact Alice McGee at 772-7050 for more information.
· Medical mobile mission, Thursday, April 26, 2007 at With Love From Jesus from 6:30 until. The team is always in need of doctors, dentists and hygienists. There is an attending physician with the needed liability insurance. Contact Alice McGee at 772-7050, if you are interested in serving.
· Just a click and they donate feminine supplies to local homeless shelters
Prayer and Praise!
· What a turnout Thursday night! The doctor didn’t have a break for over 3 hours with over 20 lambs to see him. Other facilities donated sample medication for him to use with the Lord’s lambs as needed. Praise God!
· A lamb returned this week to the Thursday evening mission. She felt more comfortable and may try attending church this week. One of the county PATH workers contacted missionaries to discuss her case. They want to give her needed services. Please keep her in your prayers. Thank You Jesus!
· Please continue to pray for the lamb with the broken wrist. Her follow-up appointment is Wednesday. Someone donated 50 pounds of dog food for her dogs and much needed underwear. Praise God!
· We are thanking the Lord for your prayers. Although this lamb states he has been substance free for almost two weeks, he was arrested Saturday night for possession of cocaine. Thank you Jesus for his support circle posting his bail. His court date is April 11th at 2 PM. Pray for the Lord’s will.
· Thursday evening a lamb talked with a missionary and decided to give up substances. He was seen today at the Garner Church shower and has been substance free for 2 days. Please continue to pray for Christ’s new creation.
· Please pray for a lamb who needs to see a doctor. She has found a lump in her breast. She also has had many abnormal PAP’s but hasn’t seen a doctor for any follow-ups. She has a family history of breast cancer and ovarian cancer. She has been given the phone number of the doctor who will see her. A missionary went for her mammogram and asked for a number for a clinic for this lamb. Pray that she is in touch so she can receive the phone number.
· Thank you Jesus for answering so many of your prayers. This lamb has decided to take a room at Cornerstone beginning April 3rd. Please pray he is able to stay here receiving disability and unable to work.
· Please keep a lamb in prayer. She has been substance free and has a job. She is asking for prayer when she receives the Lord’s paycheck, she uses it to glorify Him and not return to her old habits. She is also asking for prayer that she doesn’t steal from her new employer if she goes back to substance abuse.
· Please pray for a lamb couple who’s home is being condemned. The date has been moved to the end of April.
· A lamb who loves animals received a dog that gave birth to a litter of puppies. Puppies will be available in 3-4 weeks.
· A lamb has been living with family. He feels he is a burden and is ready to move out into the car he has purchased. Pray that his decisions are God ordained and not from pride and self sufficiency.
· Thank you Jesus for the church adopting one of His former lost lambs. He began attending a church near his apartment. They are providing transportation to and from church and a weekly home group. He has also joined an AA home group. Praise God for he is busy serving and witnessing to others and building his faith with other brothers and sisters in Christ. God is so good! The missionaries will miss him as his life fills with other Christian relationships!
· Please continue to pray for support circles as these lambs readjust to society and are welcomed into the Body of Christ.
· Praise God for the existing support circle as the Body of Christ encircles a lamb with the love of Jesus!
· Pray for a missionary who is speaking to an area church’s home group leaders concerning support circles.
· Please pray for a much needed storage unit.
Missionary Testimonials
· Missionaries were blessed today when they received a called from a Garner church who hosts the showers. Several of the lambs prepared dinner for the church and wanted the missionaries to come. The food was outstanding as was the company. The women of the church were impressed with the team effort of the lambs as they chopped, cooked and cleaned. The kitchen looked better than when the sisters in Christ bring food from home
· The Lord answered your prayers for a Cary/Apex transitional home this week in an interesting manner. A brother in Christ contacted missionaries telling them he had two homes for sale and was interested in selling them at his cost to CitW. CitW contacted someone from the Oxford house organization to learn adding another Oxford house in the Cary area would be a challenge, but nothing is impossible with God, and this location wouldn’t work. However, all things work together for good; the houses are within a quarter of a mile for two gang populations. CitW’s has felt the Lord’s calling to serve the lost gang lambs in the area, yielding the April 6th mission. Praise God!
· At the Thursday night medical mission two lambs have restraining orders and must stay 50 ft apart. When one saw the doctor the other stayed in another section of the building and vice versa. Praise God for cooperation!
Fishing Trip!
· The next trip will be April 14th, meeting at Hope Chapel in Apex at 10 AM. The Lord placed bicycles on people’s heart for this fishing trip. If you have a bicycle that can be ridden, please pray about donating it. This trip will also need people with trucks, SUV, and vans that can carry bicycles. The contacts are Stephanie Narron at , Alice Ligon at , or Al Boyce at .
· The May 12th fishing trip is “Tidy Whitey”. CitW will be collecting new underwear, white socks, and t-shirts. Alice Ligon is the contact, .
God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
· Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner church. Today the youth director asked missionaries how the youth could serve. Thank You Jesus for serving hearts!
· Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, individuals, and caterers! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, blankets, and toiletries donated this week.
· Thank you Jesus for the donations to sister ministries. The Lord provided many baby items to Faith based Support Circles this week. The Lord also provided the Brazos de Cristo ministry a needed single bed for a sick child who has been sleeping on the floor.
· Thank You Jesus for the acupuncturist who donates her time.
· Thank You Jesus for the nurses who donated their time Thursday evening and for Dr. Hartye.
· Thank you Jesus for the donation of 3 boxes of new t-shirts, all sizes. These will be used at the April 6th mission.
· We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles.
· Thank you Jesus for all of you who keep this ministry covered in prayer.