June 29, 2007
Community Awareness – Meetings and missions
· CitW Medical mission will be at the Garner Methodist Church July 28th from 3-5 PM. If you are interested in serving, please contact Anne Willet at 461-9737
· Church in the Park in Boston http://www.citizenlink.org/CLNews/A000004069.cfm
Prayer and Praise!
· Thank you Jesus for Your Almighty provisions twice a week
· Many of the single moms were blessed with food this week.
· Missionaries’ neighbor’s 13 year old son, wants to spend a few hours a week, delivering food with Missionaries this summer in Cary and Apex. This child of the Lord has talked so much of the blessings to his family, the family wants to deliver humanitarian aid while missionaries are out of town in July.
· Keep one lamb in your prayers as he recovers from surgery.
· Humanitarian aid is being brought to the Apex mission Sunday and Wednesdays, along with prayer. Please pray that these lambs will see and feel the love of Jesus. This may be the only church they attend.
· Thank you Jesus for an area Apex church. The pastor at White Oak Baptist Church wants to organize a meeting with other Apex pastors to meet and discuss how to serve the Lord’s “least-of-these” in the area.
· An area church would like for their youth to serve at the Apex mission on Sundays. Praise God! Train up a child in the way he should go, And when he is old he will not depart from it. Proverbs 22:6
· Please keep a lamb in prayer as he continues with substance abuse treatment. It is more challenging to live in his old destructive wineskin than the new wineskin of Christ. He was visited by former lambs (missionaries in training) and a missionary on Saturday and Sunday. One couple brought him a Bible from the Greg Laurie conference, the other cigarettes and a little spending money. Pray for job in the Durham Chapel Hill area upon his release July 5th. He is being transferred to a transitional home there. The job needs to be on a bus-line.
· Several of the Hispanic lambs moved to SC this week. Please keep them in prayer as they chose their path.
· Humanitarian aid is being brought to an area of poverty in Cary Mondays and Thursdays, along with prayer. Please pray that these lambs will see and feel the love of Jesus. This may be the only church they attend.
· Three lambs attended the Greg Laurie conference Friday evening. Praise God! All three went to the floor -- two to rededicate their lives and the third to ask Jesus to be his Savior. PRAISE GOD!!!!
· Please keep a lamb in prayer at a transitional home in Carrboro. She enjoyed the transitional home this week and has begun working. She is looking at a nearby home that may be a better “fit” for her.
· Please continue to pray for the lamb with the broken wrist (since December). Several have prayed for the Lord’s miraculous healing. She is no longer using the wrist brace. Praise God!
· A lamb who attended “church” Thursday also attended an area church Sunday. She asked for a Bible and then asked for a Hispanic Bible for her boyfriend. As God would have it a missionary picked one up at the Greg Laurie conference. Praise God for his Almighty Provisions
· Missionaries were at the movies in Garner this week meeting for lunch and saw a lamb who had returned to the area. She joined them for prayer and a meal. She shared her photographs of her son. She is such a proud mother. Thursday, she returned to “church” asking for assistance to go to treatment. She has three kittens she would like placed. Please pray for her new wineskin in Christ.
· Please continue to pray for a lamb who is trying to get back to his land in Arkansas. Missionaries prayed with him Thursday after he shared how he learned so much about the Bible from a pastor in Arkansas. The prayer was that he would get home, find work and become a deacon in that church! He said, “That’s a bit of a stretch, isn’t it?” But missionaries replied, “No, that’s faith!”
· Please continue to pray for a lamb who is struggling with liver problems from drinking.
· Please pray for God to touch a lamb who is so enslaved by substances that she started using drugs and alcohol the same day she was released from the hospital after a heart attack.
· Please pray for a new lamb named Joe who came Thursday in an incoherent state, speaking neither English nor Spanish, giggling at times and appearing almost as one possessed.
· A lamb asked for prayer last night to stop drinking. He is frightened by possible deportation. He has lived in the US since 1976. The murder of the Fuquay woman has the police combing the area and questioning many to the homeless who live nearby.
· An area veterinarian plans to host a vaccination clinic in August for the pets of the Lord’s least-of-these.
· Please pray for a lamb who is in jail. Please ask that the Lord speak with Him and remind him that he is loved. He has been transferred to a jail in Goldsboro.
· The Lord’s timing is so perfect. The Thursday mission is meeting in the parking lot in the lambs’ social area. The mission attendance has increased tremendously, as has the respect of no substance use in the mission area. Please continue to pray for a location for the Garner Thursday mission to meet out of the weather, maybe a church on South Saunders St, 401 or Wilmington St will open their doors one night a week. The Lord with His perfect timing find a perfect place.
· Thank you Jesus for the caterer who wants to serve July 26th for the Thursday mission.
· Praise God for a location to meet for the monthly medical missions!
· Please pray for a hair stylist to serve the Lord one Saturday a month at the Garner showers.
· Please keep lambs in prayer as they are asked to make decisions of walking away from their addictions and walking toward Jesus.
· Thank you Jesus for a lamb who is continuing to be substance free and involved with a support group through AA.
· Please continue to pray for support circles as these lambs readjust to society and are welcomed into the Body of Christ.
· Praise God for the existing support circle as the Body of Christ encircles a lamb with the love of Jesus!
· Thank you Lord for being scheduler of all Christians’ time.
Missionary Testimonials
A lamb who “happened” to be visiting his brother and sister-in-law at the time of the Greg Laurie evangelism conference is feeling the power of his rebirth this week!
He had not attended church for five years and confessed his marriage to a believing wife was destroyed by his unbelief.
When he gave his life to Jesus, he wanted to call family members and tell them, but he was too choked with emotion to speak. Now this lamb and his brother and sister-in-law, who rededicated their lives to Jesus at the conference, are losing their desire for drugs and alcohol. Instead, they are developing a passion for the Bible!
Our new brother in Christ went to church Sunday and was one of the first to eagerly volunteer to read from Acts 10 during the Thursday mission.
God’s Provision – Donations of Time & Finances
· Thank the Lord for the showers each week from the Garner church Thank You Jesus for serving hearts!
· A family contacted missionaries with hot dogs. They asked if they should purchase buns. The buns were delivered the next day. Praise God! Missionaries asked the Lord for baked beans. When an area church donates food, it is on Wednesday evenings. The appointed calling time past. The Lord must be providing another way. An hour later the church called with baked bean. God is so faithful!
· The hot dogs and beans will be used for the Apex mission because an area cater donated Salmon Florentine, grilled vegetables, and rice for Thursday’s mission. Thank you Jesus for such an eloquent feast.
· Thank you Jesus for the chiropractor who hosted a first aid donation drive. The items, including bug spray, chap stick, and calamine lotion, were picked up this week and many already distributed.
· Thank you Jesus for the church that collected bottled water, socks, and V8 at a dinner. The bottle water was in such abundance that many cases are being used by the Brown Bag ministry who provided brown bag lunches for Church in the Woods missions.
· An area grocery donated 5 pounds of sliced deli meat which is also being given to the Brown Bag ministry.
· The Sunday Moore Square missionary who prepares the meal (for 150 people) was blessed with chicken and pasta from an area cater.
· An acupuncturist’s client donated a ham. Another client would like to help with meals. Praise God for his mighty provision.
· Thank you Jesus for all the food donated by area grocery stores, churches, individuals, and caterers! Thank you Lord for all the donations of clothing, storage places, and toiletries donated this week.
· We thank you, Jesus, for those who have donated time showing the love of Jesus through relationships and support circles, especially as new ones are developing across Cary and Apex. Praise God!