June 23, 2006

June 23, 2006: Get ready for an important breakthrough in the situations that you have been struggling with for at least the past nine months. You have learned some important lessons, including what not to do. Now is the time when you can see a light at the end of the tunnel, for suddenly a light will dawn and I will give you fresh revelation that will bring you to a new level of understanding and freedom, says the Lord. Watch for answers that will solve difficult problems.
James 1:2-3 My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience.
Lord, we want to thank You for Your amazing love, mercy and compassion. Last night was such a gift and we were blessed to be able to tag along in Your Holy presence.
The Love of Jesus has been brought to His Thursday night outreach for over two years. The Lord has enabled missionaries to become aware of which of His lambs is using alcohol, drugs, who is dealing drugs... while at the same time enabling the missionaries to love each lamb as he/she is with His unconditional love.

Last night more of the Lord’s fruit is becoming ripe and ready for His mighty Harvest. Missionaries were also able to witness seeds beginning to take root and grow.
One of the Lord’s lambs/area drug dealers has occasionally stopped by the study, waved and moved on. For two years missionaries have been bringing him scripture, notes of encouragement, and food every week. Last night he came to the study wanting a hug and when asked if a missionary could pray with him he said, “YES!” The Lord touched his heart, he even had prayer requests. He told the missionary he isn’t ready to accept Jesus as his savior because he isn’t ready to put on the "new garments of Christ", he isn’t ready to make that much of a change to his life. Thank you Jesus, he is so honest. Thank you Jesus he knows that a commitment to Christ is a HUGE life style change, not one to be taken lightly. Thank You Jesus he came and was touched by Your love. Please Lord remind him how loved he is by You and encourage him to return next week.
Another lamb returned last night. Until last week, he, too, would only poke his head in and tell us he wasn’t worthy. Missionaries were able to pray with him as well and learn for the first time in two years about his son.
Another of the Lord’s lambs had such a convicted heart. She loved soaking in prayer and worship, the study of Nehemiah and didn’t want any reminders of the demons she is fighting. Whenever someone reminded her of a demon, she became angry and lashed out. Please pray that the Lord will show her a peace which passes all understanding and for her to pray first asking the Lord for guidance instead of her fleshy problem solving skills.
While praying with each lamb last night missionaries felt the Lord’s calling to remind each lamb how much the Lord loves him/her. It was so apparent last night that the Lord’s lost lambs feel so unloved and unlovable. Please continue to pray that the love of Jesus touches each lamb today in such a tender, miraculous way that each knows it was Jesus.
One of the Lord’s lambs is in a 30-day treatment program and attending the Thursday night outreach. He commented to a missionary how last night was good for him. It is a reminder of where he has been. He feels he is at a crossroad and the evening helped him to see which path to take. God uses everything for His glory.
Another one of the Lord’s lambs has been released from parole 3 months early. Thank You Jesus! This lamb also continues to attend weekly AA meetings.
One of the Lord’s lambs is thanking Jesus for a week of steady work. He is also receiving weekly substance abuse treatment. The counselor called missionaries this week to check his "status".
Please continue to pray for one of the Lord’s lambs who gave into the temptation of alcohol. He is now sick and afraid to receive treatment. Please pray he will make an appointment to go to the VA hospital this week and the Lord will provide the transportation.
One of the Lord's lambs gave into temptation last week. A missionary went to visit him on Monday. He was ashamed for the missionary and his son to see him in his condition. The missionary returned on Tuesday to find him showered and in clean clothes, by Wednesday he was attending an AA/NA meeting, and Thursday asking for his job back. Thursday evening he asked to go to the outreach. Having these daily contacts with brothers and sisters in Christ is a key element to the plan of the “Circles of Support.” Circles of Support are a group of seven or eight people who help a particular person or family get established and back on the road to self sufficiency.
Sunday, one of the Lord’s lambs dying of cancer returned to attend church. He was so blessed by his church family, especially one brother who asked him to sit with his family, meeting his wife and children. What unconditional love to share those closest to you with a lost lamb! On the blog, a missionary wrote a Father's Day article of what she witnessed and asked that it be uploaded to the site. http://least-of-these.blogspot.com/ God is good!
The Lord has blessed two more lambs with apartments this week. One of these lambs is a blind, epileptic woman who has been living on the streets for the last 4 months. She was robbed last week of her disability check. She has been sleeping under bus stop shelters and was told by the police this week she could no longer sleep there... By faith she applied for an apartment knowing she didn’t have enough money for the first month’s rent and deposit. The application was approved Friday with her to move in Monday, by faith she signed the lease. A check for the needed amount was received Saturday. God is so faithful and good! The Lord has placed 5 lambs plus 2 of a lamb’s children in apartments within the last 7 days.
The Lord’s hearts and hands of the community have assisted with furnishing these apartments as well. God is so good!
Missionaries attend a church two years ago, prior to the church relocating. The Youth pastor has been ministering to one of the Lord’s “least of these” near the church building. He remembered the missionary family and had the church call for additional resource information. Thank You Jesus for the planting of Your seeds on fertile ground!
We are thanking the Lord for those who came to serve last night. Some it was a first time serving on Thursday and others it was a return visit after a long time absence. They were blessed to be able to give rides home to the Lord’s lambs and able to spend brotherly/sisterly love with His lambs.
For the first time in over two years, the outreach ran out of hot food. It was one of the largest crowds in quite awhile. We are thanking the Lord for the Food Lion provisions picked up every Thursday, at least the lambs were able to eat sandwiches.
As each of you pray, ask the Lord to provide needed hearts and hands to serve His least of these. Some of the needs include meals, prayers, transportation, and Godly hugs from loving hands and hearts.
As always we are thanking the Lord for all of you, your prayers, and your generous hearts.